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This morning I was chatting to my creative director about a client. I was reminded that as a marketer, we often forget about the small things that make our client’s brands so special and unique because we are too busy doing rather than looking at the brand through pictures.
An enterprising woman has developed a new website called www.myprofessionalstylist.com aimed to help those who want to know what clothing and styles best suit them from 9am to 5pm each day.
080810-002-300x225About 4 years ago, Marketing Eye was engaged by Gold Coast Accounting firm Saber Accountants, to develop a new logo identity and branding as well as marketing material and a website.
It’s not every day that you get to head down to the beach for an hour and enjoy the sounds of the ocean, the sun beaming on your skin and the fresh air that has a salty scent.
I had a dream and it wasn’t to run the biggest company. It was to run a company that recreates the expectations of an industry and that is exactly what I am doing.

Dear Jen,

Whilst I think it’s great that you have posed nude showing off what you call a healthy body image by a role model, I also think you may be a bit off the mark. At least on this topic.

I am the Queen of dinner parties – that is, attending them. I can’t cook to save myself although I have set a NY resolution to learn. Thankfully I know how to turn up with a really good bottle of wine or if I am feeling celebratory, French champagne and I am well versed at making light conversation with pretty much anyone.



 Helen Jarman is one of Australia’s most respected and awarded female entrepreneurs who against all odds, has built a multi-million dollar company in a male dominated industry. She is an advocate for woman making a difference not only in business but in the community and has worked hard in promoting the responsible disposal of e-Waste in Australia. Her tireless work towards ensuring that the community and corporates take responsibility for e-Waste and that we all work towards zero landfill from electronic waste disposal makes her one of Marketing Eye’s most favoured female entrepreneurs. Find out what makes Helen Jarman so great.

In Australia, for business to business marketing, I still believe that BRW, The Australian and The Australian Financial Review are the best mainstream editorials to receive placement in.

For small businesses, its difficult to find newsworthy stories, so any opportunity to gain exposure is one of these editorials should be considered as part of an overall marketing strategy.

It’s that time of year again where BRW is looking for FAST STARTERS to compile their list for 2010.

Deadline: Thursday, 18 February 2010

Topic: Is Your Company Growing at a Rapid Rate? Business Review Weekly is looking for fast growing companies that have started in the last couple of years to participate in our Fast STarters 2010 list.

Requirements: To qualify companies must have:

- Have commenced trading after June 30, 2005

- Have reported at least two fiscal years of revenue

- Had revenue of more than $500k in 2008/9

- Revenue for 208/9 must be more than in 2007/8

- Have more than one main customer (the bulk of revenue must not ber from government grants or other startup funding)

- Be Australian owned, not a subsidary of a multinational

- Must provide third-party verification of revenue figures from an external accountant or auditor

Contact: Jessica by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or through the BRW website. Please insert WNA in the subject line of your email.

For $155 per hour, Marketing Eye is able to assist you with your submission otherwise by all means, please go direct to Jessica.

Good luck!

Time for a new brand?Where should a business begin when thinking about re-branding?

There are rule of thumbs – but beware. Like most things in marketing, not everything is for everyone.

Believe it or not, brand makeovers are not simply a response to businesses in a downward spiral. Successful companies revamp their brands just as much as ones that have experienced a downturn in their fortunes.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.