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In this digital age that we live in, the ability to develop and establish a human connection between brand and consumer is extraordinary and something to be treasured. No longer can marketing teams rely on basic selling tactics to bring customers; those attempts do not work anymore. Consumers today are heavily drawn to things with extreme value, to build a relationship that goes deeper than the surface level can carry a relationship with your customer a long way. Brands are starting to put far more emphasis on developing brand loyalty and creating lifetime customers. One of the ways that they are going about this is experiential marketing.

Deciding to rebrand your company can be an enriching task. Sometimes a fresh start is precisely what your company needs to get back on track. Maybe your business has been struggling from the beginning, and now that you have had some time to get a feel for the industry, you know what you need to do to make yourself a key player. Whatever the reason may be, rebranding can be both exciting and terrifying at the same time. By following the following steps, you can get off to the right foot to rebranding your business.

We hear the word ‘branding’ thrown around a lot these days, but what does it really mean for your business? In short, it stands for the unspoken. In the long form, the branding of your business is the first and last thing your customers will see before they make the decision to do business with you.  

When it was time to design a brand for Robotic Marketer, I didn't look further than our highly talented graphic design intern in Melbourne, Sophie Davidson.
Do you really know your internal brand? What the people in your team think about the company, management and each other - and how that is portrayed outwards?

Today I decided to be brave enough to ask my team in Atlanta what our brand is internally. I asked them to be truthful and to not be shy in saying what they personally think my internal brand in their office is.

I was surprised, impressed and felt like we had all done something right because their thoughts on our internal brand were everything I would dream for a company I worked for to have.
One of the most important things we all strive for in the business world is standing out from the crowd. We want our audience to be able to differentiate us from the competition and, well, we want to be Lady Gaga. Let’s face it, we may not want to wear meat to corporate events but we want to be memorable and instantly recognizable. Lady Gaga has refined that skill to a tee. Here is what you can learn from her:
ESPN has developed quite a reputation, and depending on who you talk to, it could be one of two things. First, Bill Simmons of HBO does not have the kindest words for his former employer, to put it lightly. Second, the masses have long known ESPN for its comical commercials that feature star athletes and analysts alike. Recently, ESPN aired a commercial featuring David “Big Papi” Ortiz of the Boston Red Sox alongside two of his teammates. Without giving away too much, the commercial deals with his impending retirement at the culmination of this season. This isn’t the first time ESPN has used sports culture to push its name out there. These six commercials embody wit, humor, and much more along the way. Below are some short teasers for the commercials that have people rolling on the floor (literally) with laughter.
Did you know you can get a degree in storytelling? Several universities offer a Master of Arts in Professional Communication with a Concentration in Storytelling. Storytelling is defined as the conveying of events in words, sounds and/or images, often by improvisation or embellishment. Culturally, humans have been using stories or narratives to preserve our history long before the written word even existed. These stories we used for entertainment, education, and instilling moral values, think of Aesops Fables.
We hear this story all the time from clients:

“My product and/or service is amazing!
It has so many capabilities and endless possibilities- it can do this and it can do that…
We need to do this and we need to do that right now!”

While the end product is in fact amazing, these entrepreneurs are so head deep into their product that it consumes them. It consumes them so much to which they have lost sight of their initial goal. Establishing their brand. Yes, It’s great that your product does so many things and will be able to do much more in the future, but ask yourself “Is my brand well known right now?” if you answered no then take a step back and focus on pushing out current content that tells your brand story. Once your product has traction then you can start releasing and pushing out new content.
Whether you are a fresh start-up or looking to rebrand your company now that things have finally slowed down, logo design plays a big part in the marketing equation. Although it is one of the tougher parts of marketing to quantify, forgetting about your logo can be a hidden anchor that holds your marketing efforts back. Taking the time to really dig for a creative design or revisit your logo can pay big dividends. Here are five insights that will give structure and intention to your logo design process.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.