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For years, I have been fascinated by design in every possible form; shape, configuration, pattern, ornamentation and visual appearance. Of particular interest is architectural design.

Last week, I was fortunate enough to walk the streets of Amsterdam with one of the Netherlands most famed interior architects, Flip Verbeek. He use to be co-owner of a company called Flow that has designed some of the most amazing interiors in buildings throughout the Netherlands. As we walked the streets, looking at building after building that had been designed by Flow and the talented architects in the team, I was inspired. The passion that this man has for design and visuals that are sustainable and complement the environment in which it inhabits, is contagioius.

So contagious in fact, that on my flight home from Amsterdam, I looked up www.realestate.com.au, found a property and days later, bought it.

The property will be the new home for Marketing Eye in Melbourne. It is located in my favourite street in the city, Greville Street and fits inside my inner-city bubble that I love to live in. While I won't be here so much to enjoy it, it gives me great pride to be able to find a building with the character and potential that the one I have just bought has.
In the background, my television was screening the news. I was half listening while typing away on my keyboard a hundred words per minute trying to finalize some last minute communications with my team.

Then I heard a voice. It was familiar. Manly. Strong. Thoughtful. Original.

I looked up.
It's been a very long relationship. One that I have enjoyed immensely particularly when I have been to the beach and there is sand everywhere, surf boards to fit into the car, towels, dogs, bags and left over rubbish. You have been very reliable and you always come up shiny and new when you are washed.

But... it's over. I am calling it a day.

And here is why...
A post of Facebook by my best girlfriend of more than 20 years, about an upcoming Prince concert, had me tormented. Why? Because concerts for me are usually best heard on a DVD or somewhere I can have sound control. I sound like a 'Nanna' but load music usually gives me headaches and although I love music, I tend to love silence a little more.
I am on a very personal journey right now with my business. 8 years ago, I had a dream and after years of fine tuning the business, I am ready to make it come to life. To reach the next level.

What that means is continually putting myself out there, sharing my experiences and taking my business to a level that no-one else in the industry has been able to achieve to date.

Basically, my dream or more precisely, something that is on my bucket list, is to build a company valued at $100 million. I am finally on that road and I know that within 5 years, this is now a reality.
Do you remember where you were sitting when you decided a particular drink was your favourite? I bet you do! Favourite drinks often are the biggest way venues can promote their wears because if you like a particular drink at a said club, bar, restaurant - chances are that you will talk about it for years to come.

Mine = Apple Martini @ FOG, Prahran, Melbourne, Australia.

What's yours?
Your brand started off as a figment of your imagination. Then you put it out there for the whole world to see - except the whole world didn't see it like you thought it would.

So, you gave it a bit of a push. Here and there. Everywhere. Networking. Business cards. Advertising. Facebook. You name it - you've tried it.

And then what?
In the past week, we have been organising media interviews for a financial services firm. Our inhouse PR expert is very talented and well-connected, and has organised more than 13 interviews for an international money markets expert. The thing is, this was done, all without using their media kit. Why? Because it is a bit out of date and doesn't represent the company and how forward thinking the company really is.

This got me thinking. What should go in a press kit (or media kit) in 2012?

Here are some things you should be considering;
Yesterday, James Moran, the founder of James Moran Furniture, called to say hello. I haven't seen James for a little while as we have both been busy.

As the son of one of the most famous furniture family dynasty's in Australia (Moran Furniture), James Moran has one of the most stylish and professional showroom's in Australia and is currently selling into some of the largest retail chains select lines. Many of Toorak's great homes feature a James Moran Furniture couch and if you go down to the cinema's, chances are that in Gold Class you may be sitting in one of his designer chairs. Office fitouts for the uber trendy and professional are taken to a new level with a piece from James Moran Furniture and anyone who knows anything about furniture, can spot a James Moran Furniture piece a mile away.
There is something to be said about doing the right thing. I know that many Australian and overseas patrons of Qantas might not be thinking too positively about Qantas today, especially if they are stranded with no flight home. But if you can take a step back and look from a different perspective on the issues at hand, I am sure you will have a new-found respect for Alan Joyce and the Boards role in standing up for what is right. You may say that Alan Joyce's pay rise is excessive, but is it? I for one do not make the sort of return for Marketing Eye that Alan Joyce has made for Qantas - so to me it is comparative. If I ran a company of that size, with the pressure that he has to put up with day-in, day-out, let me assure you, a $5 million pay packet would not be enough. The leaders who run substantial public-listed companies are under such harsh scrutiny that I for one, could not handle. Look at the newspapers each day and see the headlines that are completely attacking Alan Joyce. "Joyce Should Be Sacked" is enough to keep me paralyzed in bed for a month, if I were in his shoes. This man is an absolute inspiration. He is the epitome of strong, solid leadership with fair values. I have read feverishly the content related to what Qantas employees are wanting as remuneration. Are they serious? It is not market rate, nor is it reasonable. Having been on a flight where at the time I was in the Chairmans Lounge, and could not for the life of me use points to be upgraded to first class, yet a Qantas air hostess and her 3 friends seemed to have no problem at all taking the seats that could have been for a loyal customer who at the time travelled at least 4 flights per week with the airline. Is that fair? Well, from all accounts, this is something that Qantas employees want on a regular basis. Stuff the loyal customers who ensure that they have a job. They mean nothing - apparently. Another thing to consider is what has happened to other airlines around the globe. They are in huge financial strife. Do we really want an Australian icon like Qantas to follow down the same path? And last but not least... for those who have invested their superannuation and hard earned savings in buying shares for Qantas... they too need a return. It's not all one way. If they don't get dividends for taking the gamble and supporting Qantas - then no-one should have a job. Just my Sunday thoughts.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.