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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

Marketing Eye Marketing Articles

Tips and Tricks to Attract More Customers on LinkedIn
LinkedIn is one of the most powerful social media tools a business can use. With LinkedIn’s main focus being for business, reaching out to people about your company isn’t offensive or intrusive.
How to Convert Your Social Media Connections Into Leads
One thing every business has in common is the need for customers. Even if you have the next big idea, sometimes striking up that first initial connection with potential customers is a difficult challenge.

Lead generation is important because it helps show an organic interest in your business. There are many ways to convert information seekers just passing through into leads -you can develop a call-to-action, create a landing page, or even implement a thank you page. 
3 Tips to Jump Start Your Social Media Growth
So, you are an entrepreneur and have originated the next big idea. How are you going to get your idea out to the masses?
5 Ways to Choose Happiness Everyday
Being in my mid 20’s, many of my peers are reaching critical milestones such as beginning their careers, getting married, having children, buying their first homes, etc. These are the kinds of moments people dream about their entire lives. The problem is, to often do people feel once they achieve these milestones will they finally be “happy.”
The 5 Thoughts That Will Change Your Life
Is anyone else caught up in the euphoria of the new year? I can’t stop thinking about my life, where I am going, and what I want to be doing.
This Is The Future of Marketing
I sat down in a bar next to the Dean of Marketing at one of America’s most prestigious Universities, and we discussed the future in marketing.

I proudly told him about Robotic Marketer, a robotic and AI technology based solution that writes marketing strategies in minutes, that are more intuitive, smarter and results orientated than any human being could ever do.

As I discussed the details of how the Robotic Marketer works, he exclaimed “you are disrupting the industry”. This is the future. And it is. 

Are you aware of the powerful purchasing power that Gen Z's hold?
Multiple sources have speculated that over the past year Generation Z was actually more valuable than any other consumer group to most organisations – why is this the case, and what does it mean for businesses and marketers moving into 2018? I think all businesses need to stop and ask themselves, is your brand ready to speak to Gen Z's? 

Your Company Culture is Affecting Your Brand
“My pleasure”--  We hear this simple phrase every time we say “thank you” to an employee at Chick-Fil-A. In addition to this phrase, we also receive excellent service, free food coupons if our order wasn’t correct, and their employees are off work every single Sunday and on Holidays.
5 Ways to Ditch Negative Thoughts
In life it is so easy to get stressed about what is happening right in front of us. The baby needs a sitter, the dog needs to go to the vet, your mom needs to be picked up from the airport etc. When you are stressed out, what kind of words are you using in your mind? Are they positive words or negative words?
Leave Bad Writing In 2017
Does your company have a flexible, scalable, groundbreaking, industry standard, or cutting edge product coming out? Well, while that's great and all, every other company has that exact same kind of product description for their new products. 
Join the Revolution

Join the Revolution

Dec 29, 2017 Written by
Did you know that around the world, people purchase a mobile phone subscription before almost any other product? Literally after people have fed and supplied shelter for their families, their next priority is having a cell phone.
Drop Your Search Strategy in 2018
Think of your online presence as another physical store location that’s open 24/7. Hypothetically speaking, keeping the doors open will keep your business from losing an increasing large percentage of customers.
How to Avoid Quitting Your 2018 Resolution
Bruce Springsteen once said, “A time comes when you need to stop waiting for the man you want to become and start being the man you want to be.”
The Neuroscience Behind Your Favorite Brands
Let me ask you something. If you go to a bar, and decide you are in the mood for a nice, quality vodka, which would you choose? Grey Goose or Ketel One?
Client Shoutout: Applied Global Technologies
Let’s take a quick trip down memory lane. Remember the good old days when your boss was conducting a meeting in the large conference room; you knew when it was about to start because you could hear the squeaking of the wheels as the projector was rolled into the room. Then, the lights would go out and the key meeting points would be hand-written with an expo marker--boy weren’t those the days!

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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  • Our addresses:
    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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