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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

How Marketers Will be Forced to be More Proficient

Game on. Marketers have not only had to turn to technology to power their marketing performance and stay clear of traditional marketing methods to a large degree, they now are needing to be more proficient when it comes to the purse strings.

7 Ways to Increase Your Ranking through SEO

When building out new web pages, whether it’s a blog, contact us page, or informational, search engine optimization (SEO) needs to be employed. Here are 7 simple tips to follow when building out new pages.

Marketing Eye Executive Marketing Strategies

Like many businesses, there is never enough time to get all the marketing done that needs to be completed, and quite often businesses either don’t have the excess funds to hire a full-time marketing executive, or they don’t wish to have another headcount.

Measuring the Success of Your Content

I am a lover of the written word. I was lucky enough to turn this passion of writing into a career in content development, and the best part about working in marketing is that you can measure the success of your writing, learn from your mistakes, and create better content in the future. I’ve learned more about writing from measuring analytical data on my content than I ever did in a classroom.

Email is an essential part of your marketing mix. It’s an easy, fairly inexpensive way to interact with your customers. A great way to maintain top-of-mind awareness to your potential clients is through a newsletter with a regular cadence, but is there the chance to generate profit from your newsletter? Kimberly Maceda of ActiveTrail has written 8 tricks on how to generate profit from your email newsletters.

How to Get a Leg Up as a Marketing Consultant

At Marketing Eye, we employ a lot of marketers and over the years you learn to define what type of marketer you look for in a role such as marketing consulting.

The Best Marketing Consulting Firms in THE WORLD - and We're One of Them
Marketing Eye puts an incredible amount of effort into delivering world-class marketing strategies to our clients. We have invested heavily in research and development, and of course, developing the world's first Robotic Marketer. 
Get your Hand in the Future of Marketing!

I'm sure every entrepreneur can attest to the fact that when you're growing a business, every cent counts. At one point, I had to hire a law firm, which, we all know, can get a bit pricey. Of course, at the time, I didn't have money to throw around.

Look Out: Robotics is Taking Over Marketing
Within the next few years, the marketing industry will change so drastically because of robotic technology that all marketers will be learning to do their jobs a new way. Unfortunately for the companies that don't progress with the innovation and continue selling the same old marketing skill, they set will no longer be able to keep their doors open. 

First Impressions Are Everything
They say the first impression is everything. 

Why Trusting Your Team Leads to Success
Just like that, half of the 2018 business year is behind us. Like many business owners, I find myself reflecting on the year and have I have found myself to be extremely grateful for my teams. This year, in particular, I have been flying overseas to spend more time with the US teams and have found it to be valuable for quite a few reasons.

Why Many Businesses Are Switching Their Outsourced Marketing Firm
With half of the year behind us, companies are beginning the evaluate their sales for the year, marketing strategies, and business growth. As the second quarter approaches, changes and updates are in order. 

Welcome to the New Era of Marketing Managers
Have you ever heard of a "reverse marketing manager?"

How to Seal B2B Deals Pronto
One of the most challenging parts of selling to B2B prospects is that while they are ready to learn more, they may not be quite prepared to pull the trigger and purchase your service. Usually, there are several stakeholders calling the shots, and they want to weigh all their options. 

Which Multitasking Method is Right For Your Business?
Being a business executive is not easy. You have to be persistent. You wake up early and work long hours to meet those deadlines and accomplish your goals. Most of the time, self-care can become a foreign concept; one that is pushed to the bottom of your to-do list for the sake of efficiency.

While you could read a blog about how you NEED to take time to take better care of yourself - why not save time and do what you do best? Multitask.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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  • Our addresses:
    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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