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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

Why entitlement in our kids is our responsibility
A glance at entitlement. 

A first world problem for sure, but it is one I see regularly as an entrepreneur and one who travels widely around the world.

We all work hard. I don't have children, but I see a lot. I have opinions, just like most, but there is some substance in my opinions because I have been around for a long time.

Parents work hard to build their businesses and wealth. They do so because mostly, they didn't grow up with the wealth that they would have liked, or perhaps they just want to live a better life.

They accumulate wealth, and with that comes big houses, flash cars, holidays in the South of France and skiing in Aspen, and so on.
A few skills every high performing marketing team needs
Do you run a marketing team?

If you do, you will realise a few things; firstly that no marketing team can be all the same, and secondly, a mixture of personalities and skills is required for optimum performance. When choosing a team, it's best to steer away from selecting people just like you, or like another person who you rate as being a good marketer on your team. The reason is simple; a strong, competent, successful marketing team has to have a mixture of personalities that collaborate, support, encourage, nurture and push each other to reach their full potential both individually and as a team.

While this may seem idealistic, it's a reality for any competent marketing manager who has the 'balls' to think outside the box when they are putting together a team of people to take a company to the next level.
What your new marketing strategy for 2017/18 should include
Have you completed your businesses marketing strategy for 2017/18? If you want to hit and execute your sales goals for the coming year then you might want to take action now. 

If you have left it until now to write your 2017/18 marketing strategy, then you are really hitting a fine line, because there is a lot to be done before executing a powerful, deliberate marketing campaign in July that will see your company hit sales targets, connect with customers and accelerate your potential in the marketing for the year to come.
Take a look at your marketing company's social media presence
Results will always speak for themselves, no matter how convincing the sales pitch is. 
As an avid technology enthusiast and entrepreneur, finding new and upcoming technologies that may be instrumental in either Marketing Eye's or our clients future marketing campaigns is a passion. 

Recently, one such technology asked for Marketing Eye's competitors, and did an analysis on where they sit from a digital perspective compared to Marketing Eye Atlanta. It was fascinating. Our company is a mere 4 years old in the US, and in year one, we realized that we outperformed all our competitors on Google listings/rankings and all areas of social media. It was something we were very proud of, as we don't spend all day pushing this medium, but a bit over 30 minutes in total including writing this blog.
How Job Hopping Has Become Normal
The landscape and overall persona of our society has changed dramatically. Lately, businesses are searching adamantly for answers as it comes to employee retention. Business managers across the globe are seeing turnover rates rising higher and higher. Interns, employees, and prospective employees seem to be rather disengaged when it comes to their jobs. I can’t tell you how or where this started, but I can tell you how this is impacting the workplace.  
The Team Is The Key To Great Marketing
Marketing has always been known as a shot in the dark at best, however, times are changing and so have our processes. If your marketing team or agency doesn’t have answers for your questions as to why or how you are doing something, it’s probably because they are not trained correctly. A properly trained team can make all the difference when it comes to strategic marketing.
Why Landing Pages?

Why Landing Pages?

Apr 19, 2017 Written by
We often get asked by our clients “what is a custom landing page and why is it necessary?” There are many ways to approach advertising in the digital space, however having a custom landing page is the most efficient way to get the desired conversion rate or hard sale. Here are 3 reasons why you should always have a custom built landing page for every one of your digital advertisements:
The Value In A Young Office
In 2017, the intricacy of using technology in any field has spiked dramatically. While we realize that it’s challenging for everyone across the board to stay on par with it, we understand that the younger generations definitely have a leg up on the other generations. Let’s take a look at why a young office, especially in marketing, can be a major game-changer and an asset in your competitive field.
All About Beauty

All About Beauty

Apr 11, 2017 Written by
There used to be a time when value was primarily denoted beyond what was seen, but rather read. Well this isn’t exactly the case anymore. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is drawn towards beauty. We have become a world society obsessed with glamour and aesthetically beautiful things. So what does this have to do with marketing? Just about everything as you might imagine.
The Fallout Of Poor Reviews
Advances in our online accessibility has changed the way we interact, shop, and go about our daily lives. Out of all of these advances, came one facet of the shopping and buying process, which is giving business owners a major headache, reviews. I’m sure every single one of us has filled out a review, so what is the full impact of reviews on businesses? Let’s take a look:
How To Develop A Great Website
How do you create the ideal website? How valuable is it? These are questions that many business owners are searching for answers to, and the biggest gap in the road lies with the tactics behind your website. Whether you have a marketing department internally or rely on an agency for your coding and website design, it is crucial to have a website which is strategically built for your audience. So what does this look like? Well let’s take a look:
It's All About The Research And Strategy
Here and there we find ourselves hitting a stroke of luck without any intention or guidance. No matter what area of business you are in, these random unforeseen victories are few and far in between. In order to sustainably build your firm’s standing in the market, you need to have a clear aim at the target. Let’s take a look at how we approach making growth attainable through strategic marketing:
Tips And Tricks About Social Media
Although most Millennials are great at social media, there are many factors to think about when developing a social media strategy. Whether you are a startup with no following and no brand recognition or a company which has been around for years, the process of using social media effectively stays constant. Here are keys to stay on your A-game in social media:
I had a moment of clarity yesterday, that will define my life moving forward. I realized that I am not living the life I want to live and something has to change.
Simplifying SEO

Simplifying SEO

Mar 31, 2017 Written by
You have probably heard rumors of this Search Engine Optimization (SEO) service which is crucial to the success of every business with a website. Do you know what SEO is? If not, don’t fret. There are many people, even marketers, who are still trying to wrap their heads around the science of it. As ambiguous and challenging SEO is, there is reason and a process to the madness.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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  • Our addresses:
    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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