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The more one realises that by listening to others you will learn more than you could ever imagine - the more successful you will become.
I don't know about you... but there is nothing more frustrating than when you are at home on the weekend trying to do something on your computer and it crashes. Not only does it crash... it burns. Viruses, technical problems - you name it, it happens when you least need it to happen.
What are you really saying to your customers?

Have you had a great conversation with a potential customer, been really optimistic about getting them on board, and then never heard from them again? Maybe that conversation wasn’t as great as you had thought? Impossible! You know your product inside and out, you answered every question they had. As hard as it may be for you to identify, there may be something small in the way you are speaking with these customers that is putting them off coming back.

Marketing Eye was approached by Spanish Doughnuts with the view to promoting the first annual “World Churro Eating Competition” to be held at Melbourne’s Federation Square. With just over two weeks to go before the event date it was full steam ahead from the off-set. Marketing Eye met with Michael Aldemir, Director of Spanish Doughnuts Australia for an initial brain storming session, from here the promotional strategy was developed and implemented.

Today, I drove to Dandenong to hear stories from Foster Care Parents and Students that are currently studying through VCAL as part of the Ozchild Day for Ambassadors.

There are so many amazing, giving people out there that dedicate their lives to helping others. They ask for no recognition or endorsement and are simply people who care about others that may not be blood relatives nor may they be people they see past a day, a week, a year.

Ozchild is a non profit organisation that needs your support. They help children who have no where to go, are abused, and whose parents cannot look after them for one reason or another.

They may have fallen to the way-side in the Australian Education System and in desperate need of alternative learning.

Whatever the case - they need your help.


If you are business, think about ways you can work with Ozchild to raise money, give support or provide resources. Simply by making a small donation, it is helping children in Victoria.


From being a Foster Carer through to lending your support in community events or volunteering in their office. Alternatively, if you have some spare cash or fancy a tax deduction, why not make a donation to www.ozchild.org.au.

Your support is appreciated.

P.S. If you like this marketing blog, then please feel free to share it on whatever social network medium you see fit. We love facebook, twitter and linkedin!
15 Years ago, I sat in the office of the then Silicon Graphics State Manager for Queensland, Mal Walker, and commenced a discussion with him to gain his support for the Information Technology and Telecommunications Awards. Basically, I needed a dollar value sponsorship for the privilege of Silicon Graphics presenting an award and gaining invaluable exposure in the IT industry.

He said, "So you have come here to sell to me!". I was mortified! I don't sell, I market! I was simply presenting an opportunity for Silicon Graphics to market themselves to the IT industry in Queensland and to gain profile. Then, my job was to ensure that they received the publicity and profile that is commensurate with their dollar value sponsorship.
We are 6 weeks into a new financial year. The market took a big nose dive last week causing many sleepless nights for people around the globe and housing prices are on the decline after a heated market that seemed to go for far too long effecting the sentiment of all consumers.

The Facebook's, Google's and Twitter's of the world, are rightly so, oblivious to any changes, because people are still flocking to their profitable billion dollar platforms that see the founders and investors laughing all the way to the bank. It's as if they won the lotto and the rest of us just keep putting our tickets in each week, in hope.

Google for Small Business

If you haven’t sent off your details to be included in the latest social network craze, Google , then you should do so – immediately!

With more than 25 million people joining in the first month, since its launch at the end of June, Google may very well, become the most successful social network of all time.

I've written pages and pages of notes whilst lying by the pool. I have recorded podcast after podcast in my hotel room whilst awaiting dinner engagements, meeting up with friends or going to the beach. And, I've written a new business plan, marketing strategy and information memorandum - all in one week.

Now, that may not seem like a holiday to most people, but as an entrepreneur, having a holiday is more about letting my body relax and freeing my mind from any stresses. If ideas and innovations flow from being in this relaxed state, then jotting down some notes, really isn't too difficult at all.

Being a statistic for failure isn’t much fun-let’s face it. I don’t like the idea, and I bet you aren’t too keen on it either. And when it come to small business, or any business or cause for that matter it is best to avoid it like the plague. This leads me to wonder why so many businesses out there do not invest in a solid online marketing strategy of an effective website.

Put simply- no business will survive without a good website. However, what is most surprising to me is not how bad some websites actually are but in fact how easily these website short comings or problems can be fixed.

Having had a browse around various small business websites recently it occurred to me the magic a good website can do for a small business.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.