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With a dynamic presidential election and various shifts in major advertising platforms, 2016 has been a year full of drastic change in the marketing world. As media advertising spend is down and declining compared to previous years, we can only suspect that 2017 will bring just as many, if not more, changes.

Key things to look out for in 2017:

Still unsure of how effective your marketing efforts are?

Marketing has changed dramatically over the past few years. There is less ambiguity and uncertainty and more confidence in marketing tactics and strategies nowadays. This is largely due to the increased focus and availability of data to track results.
As most people are aware, Trump made his name in business by being very good at it. Behind the scenes of his business, it is likely he had some very experienced personnel in charge of marketing. The same can be said for his Presidential campaign. I am going to suggest that one of the core reasons behind the success of his presidential campaign was through a flawlessly executed marketing campaign which defied the traditional laws of marketing, and of Presidential Campaigning that reached out to those who have for years been fed up with the current establishment.

Are you still searching for that perfect time to post online? Each platform has its own prime time and lucky for you, we’ve done our research and know exactly when you should be posting.
Are You Getting Caught In The Mess?

It is easy to fall behind the times in this fast moving world of digital marketing and advertising. There are several easy and painless ways to stay current and put yourself on the map!  
More to the point, are you sick of doing your own marketing and not focusing on your business? In every business development meeting I have, I always ask “who’s doing your marketing now?” Often I hear that the founder is performing all if not most of the current marketing activities. Nine times out of ten they are trying to: run the business/grow the business, manage staff, manage payroll, come up with new product ideas, and more, all while doing what they can with marketing. It’s too much for a growing business.
Over the years the psychology of color has been a controversial topic.  Marketers and scientists alike have formed connections between the colors and reactions the human subconscious has towards them. However, although there have been many studies to support certain aspects, there has also been a disconnect.  This disconnect between person to person has been attributed to experiences, personal preference, culture, and upbringing.  All of these aspects influence a person's opinion about certain colors and therefore make some studies unreliable from the get go.  However, although there is a noticeable disconnect, some marketers swear by colors and the persuasion they have over consumers.  According to a study done in 2006 in the journal Management Decision, people can make 62% to 90% of their snap decisions about products based on color alone.  Let’s delve into the wonderful world of colors, what do most psychologists say about colors and the power they have over branding?

Starting  your career and wondering where you fit in the mix? Well, don't wonder any further. It's quite simple. You are either on your way to astronomical success that may lead to a) a future CMO position b) a job as a Martech c) entrepreneurism d) stalemate.

Marketing Executives don't just have degrees

When you are paying $30,000 to $60,000 per year in the US to gain an under graduate degree of some form, whether its marketing, management or communications - then you would want to make the most of it. But the truth is, few and far between do. They choose to holiday and party in summer and other vacations rather than get leg up on other students by taking on internships in chosen fields.
Go mobile

No, you’re not crazy, Millennials, in fact, are glued to their smartphones, I’m not joking there are facts to support it. According to a report done by Experian Millennials spend just about over 2 hours a day - 14.5 hours a week - on their smartphones. The report goes on to state that in fact, so much time is spent on their smartphones that it accounts for 41 percent of the total time that the American population spend using smartphones, despite Millennials only making up 29 percent of the US population.

But wait, it gets even crazier.
One of the most important things we all strive for in the business world is standing out from the crowd. We want our audience to be able to differentiate us from the competition and, well, we want to be Lady Gaga. Let’s face it, we may not want to wear meat to corporate events but we want to be memorable and instantly recognizable. Lady Gaga has refined that skill to a tee. Here is what you can learn from her:
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.