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Have you ever received LinkedIn messages that are a mile long with tons of links and generic language that you know was just copied and pasted? 

We all have. 
Businesses across the world have to deal with the complexities of marketing. Which brings us to the question, what drives successful marketing? What separates the good marketing teams from bad ones? In other words, what’s the secret formula to successful marketing? Let’s take a look at at the top three traits of great marketing teams:
Many countries are starting to invest in big data centers, including Ireland, UK, and the Netherlands. But it’s the US that has a remarkably fast-growing market for big data as due to its great infrastructure, connectivity, and low corporate tax rates. Most of the well-known data centers in the US are located in northern Virginia, New York, Silicon Valley, Dallas, Chicago and Los Angeles. However, Atlanta is jumping up in rank with its 13,000 tech companies. 
The major gap with LinkedIn functionality has now been ratified. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had great videos to share with my LinkedIn network, but haven’t been able to post them until today! 

LinkedIn just released its newest update by allowing users to directly upload video to their newsfeed. So, if there’s a surplus of exclamation marks on this blog, just know that I’ve been waiting for this for a while now.
Do you run a marketing team?

If you do, you will realise a few things; firstly that no marketing team can be all the same, and secondly, a mixture of personalities and skills is required for optimum performance. When choosing a team, it's best to steer away from selecting people just like you, or like another person who you rate as being a good marketer on your team. The reason is simple; a strong, competent, successful marketing team has to have a mixture of personalities that collaborate, support, encourage, nurture and push each other to reach their full potential both individually and as a team.

While this may seem idealistic, it's a reality for any competent marketing manager who has the 'balls' to think outside the box when they are putting together a team of people to take a company to the next level.
Results will always speak for themselves, no matter how convincing the sales pitch is. 
As an avid technology enthusiast and entrepreneur, finding new and upcoming technologies that may be instrumental in either Marketing Eye's or our clients future marketing campaigns is a passion. 

Recently, one such technology asked for Marketing Eye's competitors, and did an analysis on where they sit from a digital perspective compared to Marketing Eye Atlanta. It was fascinating. Our company is a mere 4 years old in the US, and in year one, we realized that we outperformed all our competitors on Google listings/rankings and all areas of social media. It was something we were very proud of, as we don't spend all day pushing this medium, but a bit over 30 minutes in total including writing this blog.
Marketing has always been known as a shot in the dark at best, however, times are changing and so have our processes. If your marketing team or agency doesn’t have answers for your questions as to why or how you are doing something, it’s probably because they are not trained correctly. A properly trained team can make all the difference when it comes to strategic marketing.
We often get asked by our clients “what is a custom landing page and why is it necessary?” There are many ways to approach advertising in the digital space, however having a custom landing page is the most efficient way to get the desired conversion rate or hard sale. Here are 3 reasons why you should always have a custom built landing page for every one of your digital advertisements:
There used to be a time when value was primarily denoted beyond what was seen, but rather read. Well this isn’t exactly the case anymore. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is drawn towards beauty. We have become a world society obsessed with glamour and aesthetically beautiful things. So what does this have to do with marketing? Just about everything as you might imagine.
Advances in our online accessibility has changed the way we interact, shop, and go about our daily lives. Out of all of these advances, came one facet of the shopping and buying process, which is giving business owners a major headache, reviews. I’m sure every single one of us has filled out a review, so what is the full impact of reviews on businesses? Let’s take a look:
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.