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Are you building a marketing team? To create a capable B2B marketing team that can deliver what your company needs, you need to know the precise characteristics you should look for. Every sports team has a specific person in a particular position. Otherwise, your team loses the game. Marketing works just like this! But it’s not as easy to know what you’re looking for when you’re in a B2B marketing environment. Below, we have some outlines of specific people you should look for to build your brand.

Building a marketing budget is a crucial step in establishing your marketing needs, especially when so many companies are more reluctant to spend money right now. By implementing a marketing budget, your organization will be able to plan and strategize financially like never before. A comprehensive marketing budget will allow your team to set realistic and attainable goals for all of your marketing efforts. Below, we have some things to consider while you are building your next marketing budget. 

Customer loyalty is an incredibly invaluable resource, especially when budgets and spending are tighter than ever. While it might be difficult to land new customers right now, it's essential to invest in the customers you have now. Gaining that trust will not only strengthen your relationship with that customer, but it will also help you to develop content to reach new customers in the future. But it all starts with loyalty. Personalized content is an excellent tool to support that loyalty, but you need to know what your customers expect from you.

Marketing is always changing. There are always new processes, new technologies or even new approaches to marketing practices. But there is one approach that is not only changing marketing, but it’s also changing how audiences respond to our efforts. Personalization is radically affecting the way that we project our message to the public, allowing our team to open and connect with the audience in an emotional, empathetic way to drive sales.

It takes a lot to run a business these days. With the combination of a constantly changing market and the numerous challenges that businesses face every day, it can be really hard to succeed in a competitive market. But have you tried everything? A marketing strategy can help your business reach its full potential. Strategic marketing is all about aligning your marketing efforts to the vision and goals of your business, using an in-depth approach to achieve your business objectives. Business leaders don’t often have the bandwidth to invest time into building a strategy. That’s where Marketing Eye comes in. Marketing Eye is the ideal marketing partner for small to medium-sized businesses that are looking to elevate their operations.


Some types of content can do more work than others. For example, while blogs are great at educating and informing your customers about different aspects of your service and industry, a video can go to even greater lengths to show how your product works. If you are having trouble really capturing your leads at later points in the sales funnel, consider amping up your content game with some solutions we have below.

When you are building a business from the ground up, there is a lot to take into consideration. It’s easy enough to focus on how your company is going to turn a profit, but there’s one thing that shouldn’t be allowed to slip through the cracks: the creation of your logo. Your logo will do many things for your business by giving your audience something to recognize and setting up a visual identity. Below, we have some essential considerations for your logo creation process.

A brand identity crisis is a very real thing, and too many businesses suffer from it. Without a modern and fresh brand design, it can be really difficult to draw in customers and have your competition take you seriously. First impressions can make or break your company, so it’s important that your brand is relevant and fresh to attract new leads and modernize your approach. The trick is actually making that happen. Most companies don’t have the time or bandwidth to conduct a complete branding overhaul, which leaves them stuck with an outdated look and feel. Marketing Eye is the perfect partner to come alongside and help companies breathe fresh life into their brands and capture better leads.

Businesses are always looking for new ways to drive revenue while cutting down on margins at the same time. The return on investment in marketing needs to be considered from the beginning, as a way to gauge your goals and track your progress. Not only do marketers need to consider what exactly the return was, but which program received the best return. If you measure your ROI correctly, it can garner more trust, a bigger budget, and enable your marketing tactics to increase your business impact.

When people hear the term “automated marketing,” it raises certain questions about what the automation process entails. What exactly is being automated? Is automation really necessary? Will automation eventually take people’s jobs? The truth is that marketing automation software solely exists to strengthen your marketing efforts and support the work that your team is already doing. Essentially, automated marketing removes the need to perform your routine processes, which frees up your time and resources to focus on creating better copy and conversing with customers. Automation can’t take the job of a person because it can’t do the job of a person. It’s merely a tool, but one we should be using. Below, we have debunked four common myths about automated marketing.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.