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It's a number that interests me. Not because it is large, nor because it says that we are not average. 126 is average according to Twitter, and we have certainly surpassed that - I think in the first day of joining.

The reason it interests me is because there are 14,090 tweeters to talk to - if I feel compelled to do so. That is a lot of people. Sure it is not like the millions our celebrity friends have nor is it like the supposed "guru's" with 50k plus, but it is a number that signifies a positioning that has allowed Marketing Eye to gain traction online and have real "conversations" with people who have or may become clients and/or friends.

Two weeks ago, we made $79,000 worth of sales derived from connections made via Twitter.
Qantas is running an international campaign "you are the reason we fly" and I am quite impressed by their agency's work on this campaign.
There are thousands of marketing companies in America. They range from one-man bands, to small and mid tier agencies, right through to large multinationals.

For small businesses, it is very hard for many entrepreneurs or business managers to ascertain what is the best marketing solution for their business and what will help them get to the next level.

As a business owner and entrepreneur, it is paramount to understand our competitors and do the complete opposite to what they are doing.

There is a reason why this marketing blog has been neglected and it's not something that I particularly wanted to share.

And, to some extent, I won't.

However, today I received in the mail a book and it was a reminder that 'everything happens for a reason'.

I travelled around the world twice in six weeks for business and when you do such an exhaustive trip like that, twice, you immediately get a feeling that 'it had better be worth it'. Fortunately, it always is. Afterall, its a journey and when we embark on any journey with an open and honest mind, we move that step forward to realising whatever it is that we were meant to realise.

Both trips were different. Other than for the business aspect, they could not have been more different. The first trip was one of adventure, excitement, opportunity and putting in place things for the future that needed to be put in place.
I have a conspiracy theory relating to the latest blockbuster novel "50 Shades of Grey".

If you have spent any time at all reading any of the three novels in the series, you would realize that other than a basic storyline, it is all about porn. Albeit soft.

1.5 million people have already read this book. I have read it. My friends have read it. It is addictive and completely trashy, but let's face it - women love this type of stuff. Look at how successful Mills and Boons was and still is.

My theory though, having read two of the New York Times Bestseller Trilogy series, that the book was commissioned by a large chain or perhaps online sex store. Bare with me as I explain...
A moment to spare between meeetings and a laptop in hand, there is only one place to go.

Caribou Coffee Shop on Peachtree Street in Buckhead Atlanta.

As I ask for a coffee with skim milk, they ask my name. Not too dissimilar to a Starbucks Coffee shop but for some reason, I like the coffee more and I love that it is conveniently located near where I am staying.
What started out as a trip to meet some friends of mine to celebrate the Fourth of July in Dana Point, has ended in one of the most inspiring 24 hours that I have had in a long time.

You never know who you may meet, just by turning up.

While I love to catch up with good friends and share experiences, I am a believer that 'everything happens for a reason' and if you open yourself up to possibilities, then you will enrich your life in more ways than you have ever imagined.

It's that time of year when we are seeking new recruits. But not just any recruit. A highly talented, goal orientated marketer that loves making a difference to small businesses. Must have experience in the position of Marketing Executive or Marketing Manager previously in Australia.

Marketing Executive - Melbourne based

In Australia, it's Mother's Day today.

A day that we show appreciation for our Mother's and tell them how important they are to our lives.

My Mother is an interesting woman. She is highly religious, has an incredible sense of resilience and shows compassion to people around her like no-one I have never seen before.

As a child, I remember looking up to her. I loved that she wasn't showy like some other people's Mother's and that she always stood in the background, quiet, yet very supportive. She was the type of Mother that would bake a cake, pop into the school unannounced and give a slice to each of the kids in our class so that they could enjoy her delicious baking for morning tea. Knowing that I had a phobia of eating food out of a lunchbox, she also use to drive 10 kilometres to drop me off fresh lunch, or my favourite fish and chips, on days when the canteen didn't operate - so I would not starve.
Do you have someone or something that is a benchmark to you?

I have a couple; personal and professional.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.