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Continuous evolution requires constant updates in your education, however this evolution must occur through legitimate avenues.

So when you look at subscribing to education programs, you need to ensure that they are legitimate and conducted by experienced industry professionals.
According to analyst group Merrill Lynch, spending power among women in the US comes at a tune of $5 trillion dollars. Not only do women determine their own spending habits but they also influence men's spending habits.
Last week I took a little trip to Bundaberg in regional Queensland, Australia for work. The town has 30k odd people but supports more than 100,000 people at any given time over the entire surround region.

Our client, a highly successful accounting and financial services firm, Ulton Group, needed a "Marketing Eye" to develop their 2015/2016 marketing strategy. I took the opportunity to fly up to Bundaberg because it was close to Easter and a great opportunity to catch up with family in the Sunshine Coast. 
Does your eco product, sell as well as your other brands? If not, it;s time to think about the way you market it.

Marketers and businesses are treating eco brands as ‘brand extensions’ the way Coke treats it’s Zero and Diet products.  But eco, green or ethical products cannot be treated in this way.  Coke’s eco plastic bottles still contain a beverage with a long list of health impacts – and people looking for healthy, sustainable alternatives will never reach for a bottled soft drink.

In May, I will be speaking at CEBIT 2015 on marketing automation.

As I begin putting a presentation together, I am reminded of the hundred or so people who listened to my presentation on sales automation last year, and their lack of knowledge on the topic of marketing automation. Only four people put their hands up out of two sessions to the question of whether or not they had marketing automation implemented in their businesses.

This year, I expect it to be significantly more but doing a bit of a field study on the implementation of marketing automation in B2B businesses, I am fast realizing that there are still a lot of marketers who are completely ignorant to the role of marketing automation in the marketing strategy.
Do you really want to know why Marketing Eye opened a Dallas, Texas office? 

I could say that we did extensive marketing research, or perhaps that we had an opportunity to sell a Marketing Eye license for our brand, so we took it. Both would be wrong. Here's the reason why.

We did research but it took 5 minutes 13 seconds
Marketing Eye appreciates the world around us. We are constantly inspired by creative campaigns in our environment by our fellow marketers.

Here are some of the Marketing Eye Melbourne office’s favorite recent marketing campaigns.

I have an ear for piano, yet I decided to play the guitar. I can pick up any melody on the piano and start banging the keys and music miraculously fills the air. With the guitar on the other hand, I can play when sheet music is put in front of me. I can learn to play songs, but I can’t play by ear.

I guess that is something to do with the way my brain is wired. I am not the front man, rock star I thought I could be when I first had guitar lessons. I’m more the guy who sits behind the piano, fully integrated into the sounds being made and lost in the full force of the music.
December was a short month in the office; only two weeks in length, yet it produced the most sales on record. We surpassed our sales forecast by 62 percent in the first week, and finished off hard with two contracts coming in from Geelong Grammar and Parramatta City Council on the last day in the office.

Internationally, we are in a fast-growth phases and this holiday has been spent working out how we will accomodate the extra sales and at the same time keep moving forward, leveraging our unique positioning. 

We now have three inside sales executives in the company, with that set to double by the end of the first quarter next year. This investment has paid dividends as it allows marketing managers to focus on their jobs and not be tied down by talking to prospects that are warm and not hot. They no longer put together the proposals or the contracts, which are all done by our well trained inside sales executives.

The lines blurred sometime in the last 10 years, but I don't know exactly when it happened.


Having started my first business at 25 years of age, specializing in technology marketing, I thought I had it all. A marketer who understood technology marketing and who could talk the talk which at that time seemed to be, the height of the dot com boom, the most lucrative marketing position one could hold.


Then of course, someone came along and started talking about company culture, and marketers took a turn to start embellishing the on-boarding process of new recruits, with a mixture of "people marketing" with "technology marketing" - and for a time, that was all the rage. It seemed to be the only thing people were talking about and marketers starting play a role in human resources, giving recruiters and in-house HR managers the tools to "sell their brands" like they were a front line sales executive needing to close the deal in order to reach their quotas.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.