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Having a go is very Australian and since my short stay in Paris, I have realised just how much Australian’s really are ‘having a go’.
I had a dream and it wasn’t to run the biggest company. It was to run a company that recreates the expectations of an industry and that is exactly what I am doing.


 Helen Jarman is one of Australia’s most respected and awarded female entrepreneurs who against all odds, has built a multi-million dollar company in a male dominated industry. She is an advocate for woman making a difference not only in business but in the community and has worked hard in promoting the responsible disposal of e-Waste in Australia. Her tireless work towards ensuring that the community and corporates take responsibility for e-Waste and that we all work towards zero landfill from electronic waste disposal makes her one of Marketing Eye’s most favoured female entrepreneurs. Find out what makes Helen Jarman so great.

With only weeks until the Xmas break, I am frantically trying to get through my workload – like most small business owners.

The year end is near and I personally can’t wait. It has been one of the most exciting and exhilarating years ever from a business perspective and from a personal front, one of the most challenging.

In the business I have learnt a lot, launched new products, entered new markets and been inspired continually by the people I work with – in particular, the small businesses that I call ‘friends’ but may also be called clients to the outside world.

On Saturday, I was invited to speak to a group of image consultants and stylists about my journey as an entrepreneur and to also give a few tips on marketing.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.