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Some careers give you everything; fulfillment, work/life balance, monetary compensation and the ability to own your own business. Marketing Eye licensing does just that. If you are a marketing or communications manager, looking to reach the next level, then we have the answer for you.
Whether it's the second quarter or last quarter of your financial year, you would note that something is going on in the economy and it's creating a lot of uncertainty. 
Entrepreneurs beware!!!! Are you still sitting on your hands instead of making very important business decisions because you are so indecisive or you have no clue which way to go and are not prepared to take the risk?

So many entrepreneurs have amazing ideas. True. So many them never see them through. Fact.

It's a new year, well, at least we are almost a quarter of the way through 2016, and business people still trying to climb to the next level keep  on having these stops and starts that at the end of the only costs them time, money and an ability to be more successful.
Yesterday I was bursting at the seams. Life couldn't get much better. I had a few meetings and they went so well that I literally couldn't stop smiling and that feeling deep inside was one that I haven't felt in a long time.
There are so many things that entrepreneurs do right, and often this is what the world sees. Yet there are still some things that we don't quite get right. 2016 is going to be a massive year. There is so much in store and while we all focus on business, the Government has a few headaches not just with stimulating economic growth, but ISIS and climate change. 

Most entrepreneurs have fairly ambitious goals for 2016, as we climb out of an uncertain marketplace and embark on strategic, results-orientated business planning.
I ditched corporate life for entrepreneurship when I was just 25 years old. I wasn't scared, I was excited, because I didn't have any real responsibilities and I owned my own home with my steady boyfriend at the time and life was pretty dandy. 
Mastering the Rockefeller Habits sits on my desk in every office that I have. It was written by regular EO speaker and co-founder, Verne Harnish and is a bible for many entrepreneurs like myself.

I agree with this 100%. When I first started Marketing Eye, I built it from a perspective that there was no global player in SMB marketing. While this makes perfect sense, it didn't reach the pit of what I really wanted to achieve as a business person, or a leader for that matter. I also had not thought it through.

"I was doing something from a very real, a very honest place, so I think that's why I was able to build an audience," said Gwyneth Paltrow to Fast Company in an interview which I have recently seen on Facebook. 

One bad egg can now cripple a business. But not in my father's generation. That of course would never have happened. And so how the world has changed.

The poison that one person can throw on a company is insurmountable, all made by humans of course in the form of the internet. Yet, we all breathe faith into common sense as a whole and how one complainer, may in fact be the only one.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.