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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

Remarketing Is High On ROI
Most companies don’t have a large budget to throw at the wall as it pertains to advertising, but rather they are desperate for real, tangible advertising that produces results. This is where remarketing enters the picture. Let’s take a look: 
4 Chrome Extensions Guaranteed To Make Marketing Easier
Very much like an engine is to a car, technology tools are to marketers. A large portion of my job as a marketer is to make sure that my clients are at the forefront of marketing technology, especially the free ones. Adapting and adopting to new technology is in many cases what keeps your marketing efforts ahead of the competition. Let’s take a look at some of the tools we use that you or your marketing team should be as well…
SEO Isn't Magic

SEO Isn't Magic

Nov 14, 2017 Written by
We’ve probably all heard the term SEO thrown around a lot at this point. The way some people believe in it and others don’t, you’d almost think it was a religion. But to set the record straight, there is a place for SEO and then there is a point where it becomes a money pit. Let’s talk about that fine line: 
Why Is Traveling Important?
Traveling the world, whether it is for business or pleasure, allows you to learn and discover the morals and ethics of people all around the world. In business, especially successful businesses, transactions, and interactions internationally are almost guaranteed to occur. Companies and businesses have made it a trend to place more value on the employees with multicultural backgrounds and talents. Having someone apart from the team gives an advantage to the business or company when they do decide to venture into the international field.
Do you want your business to end 2017 on a high?
It came and went like a fast paced, road runner – and now we are left with a mere 9 weeks until the end of what has been a phenomenal year by many accounts.

At Marketing Eye, our client base has increased by more than 30 percent giving our company greater exposure to more industry sectors and new product categories. We have commenced development of the first Robotic Marketer in the world, and are nearing the end of phase one of eskrape, our human resources management platform.
A snapshot of the future workplace
“Humans and machines – each on their own – won’t be enough to drive businesses in the coming decades. Tomorrow’s leading enterprises will be those that know how to meld the two effectively” – Accenture.

It’s those forward-thinking businesses who have adopted robotics, automation software and technologies, that have increased their productivity by over 200% evidence suggest. This helps re-affirm what the future workforce will look like: human and digital interaction on a daily basis.
Tips for Building a Good Resume
Marketing is occurring whenever and wherever throughout everyday life. Whether through advertisements, logos or commercials, we are exposed to thousands of marketing avenues daily. A person’s biggest marketing tool, especially when searching for means to make money, is their resume. Unfortunately, resumes are not as easy as slapping down a few facts about yourself as well as a few jobs you have had in the past. Here are a few tips on how to properly develop a resume that will market your talents effectively:
Efficiency Over Experience
I’m sure some of you, experienced marketers, will combat this idea and that’s completely understandable. Our office boasts some of the sharpest young talent around they don’t blink twice when faced with a challenge. So why am I saying this? It’s simple, many of our clients come to us because of our age. Not because of how many years in marketing we have, or how much knowledge we’ve accrued in one area. Here are some reasons why they trust us: 
Tips for Attending Post-Work Socials
We as employees try to put on our best face when going into work every day or at least when our boss or boss’s boss comes around. While at work, it is best to give your fellow employees as well as your employer. Once the workday is over, we become a lot more relaxed and we tend to get back into our natural element. Most corporate jobs have after work events, and a common mistake made by employees is that they tend to become too comfortable and relaxed at these events.
Perfectionism can be taken to unrealistic heights: let’s cast our minds to the fallout of the Harvey Weinstein scandal in the US. It has exposed some of Hollywood’s dirty secrets of sexual harassment in the pursuit of perfection.

By this I mean, ambition often gets a bad rap. The trait that pushes someone toward success can sometimes turn into a game where winning isn’t about achieving; it’s about beating the other person. Channel it correctly, however, and ambition can bring great results.
In the media or life in general, there is an expectation for everyone to be flawless. On social media, everyone appears impeccable - but when one investigates deep down the vault of reality, life appears far from what we see on our screens or on the news stand.

So why do so many of us feel the need to drive in this lane towards perfection? Are these expectations doing us more harm than good?
You Find Out Your Database is Terrible, What Then?
It would seem that the effectiveness of marketing campaigns are heavily tied to the quality of your database. So what happens if you find out your database really isn’t good? Well, the first step is accepting the truth that maybe your database which you spent so much money and effort on isn’t great. The next step is fixing it, which is actually the easiest part in many cases. Let’s take a look: 
The boomerang marketing approach - how it works
Last week I was chatting to one of my staff members and all of a sudden it occurred to me... it's better the devil you know.
There's No Excuse Not To Be Professional
Every business will have their share of unprofessional hirings, some worse than others. It’s only natural given the job market nowadays and the workforce. Young professionals, not just Millennials, truly don’t understand the value of their name and public representation. Although none of us are like Odell Beckham, recognized everywhere he goes. On the contrary, here are a few reasons why you should take every job seriously: 
Why every marketer should take the time to travel
There really is nothing like travelling to broaden your horizons and open your eyes a little more. So why do we believe every marketer need to take the time to travel once in their career?

“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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