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A marketing strategy is a plan or action that is designed to promote a business’ product or service. In present times, most (if not all) large multinational companies have a marketing strategy. Marketing strategies are typically used to help increase awareness of the business or to promote sales. However, according to data found, there are still 36% of small businesses that do not have a marketing strategy. With that said, the following blog explores the reasons why small businesses should have a marketing strategy.

A digital marketing strategy is becoming a crucial component of every company's marketing strategy because of how many consumers today research items, browse, and shop online. Online marketing communications target consumers who are active in online communities and efficiently contact them there.

It isn't uncommon for businesses to invest a lot of their resources into marketing activities and not see results. Many business owners find that their marketing campaigns are not producing the results they initially anticipated, and this ultimately comes down to the marketing strategy they have created. Many business owners have wasted valuable resources on tactics that simply do not work. Therefore, ensuring a solid marketing strategy is in place is crucial.

Why are we talking about mobile marketing? It is changing the way consumers interact with brands and consequently vice versa. Virtually, everything is accessible on mobile today, from e-books to e-commerce. This means consumers can constantly interact with your brand irrespective of their location. To illustrate, customers don’t necessarily need a laptop to read emails or conduct online shopping. And neither need to sit in front of a television to get entertained or watch the news.

Here are the challenges and opportunities of mobile marketing that you should know

Are you new to the construction scene or has your company been around for years? Either way, it is essential that you withhold effective marketing strategies to promote your company effectively.

The time has finally come, whether you’re a fresh graduate ready to head into the big, wide world of Marketing, or perhaps you’re an experienced marketer looking for a fresh start someplace else. Regardless, you’ve gone through the screening process and now have landed an interview, firstly, Congratulations! It is a very big accolade to get this stage, so take a moment to congratulate yourself and relax.

The rapid change of technology is changing how we operate and work overtime. Apply new technologies to maximize the profitability of your business. Metaverse is one of the latest technologies expected to change our business. How can you take advantage of it? How can Metaverse fit your brand in 2022?

Companies and businesses spend large sums of money for Influencers to bombard your feed and stories with #Sponsored, #AD, and #Gifted posts, but is it worth it? Is it triggering their followers and broad audiences to run pass check out and purchase the items they promote?

As marketing professionals, no day ever goes as planned. That doesn’t mean we don’t all have some daily routine we try to follow. 
The world of public relations can be summed up in three words: chaotic, wild, and tedious. Don’t get me wrong, public relations is an exciting facet to the marketing mix, but it isn’t for everyone. After personally delving into the world of PR and having several press releases published, let’s take a look at a few key takeaways from my recent experiences.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.