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You have already created the ad script, the ad objectives, and the ad design...and you’re probably thinking “once this gets posted we are all set to start seeing results”. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen. In most cases, developing an effective ad is much more than just aesthetics. In this blog we will examine 5 key drivers of best practice advertising.
It's time to Blog!

We recommend for all of our clients to have a blog page on their website, as well as to write blogs regularly, and post them on their social media accounts. We have been asked many times by clients why this is beneficial, and why they should take the time to do this.
Read on to find out why!

“Success doesn’t just come and find you. You have to go out and get it.” –Kushandwizdom. [space height="HEIGHT"]
Marketing is evolving and changing everyday. We at Marketing Eye can’t stress enough about how it is important it is to keep educating yourself as a marketer. It is especially important in this new age with technology popping up left and right, and rising generations that are driven solely by the digital universe. We understand the challenge and we want to help you, so below are a few ways to help you step your game up as a certified badass marketer. [space height="HEIGHT"]

Recently, a client shared a sage piece of marketing advice, he said “If you have just $100 left in your advertising budget, your best investment is to use it to travel and share your story with your market face-to-face”. Today Marketing Eye put this advice to the test, with great success for one of our clients – Papa Gusto.

A marketing plan does not have to boast an exorbitant budget to be effective, nor does it have to be overly complex and multi-levelled to achieve your goals.  We have proven this.  

Most people have had an ill-fated one night stand, where they have drunkenly exposed themselves to the other sex only to wake up with the worst hangover and a feeling of guilt and regret.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.