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Business goals are the targets that a company aims to achieve, such as increasing profits, expanding into new markets, or improving customer satisfaction. A marketing strategy is a company's plan to achieve its marketing objectives and fulfil its overall business goals. Therefore, a strong alignment between business goals and marketing strategy is essential for a company's success.

Many businesses struggle to come up with fresh, creative ideas to boost website traffic as content marketing grows and traditional marketing declines. There are many ways to grow the number of visitors to your website, but reusing unsuccessful tactics over and over again will harm your company's performance. Here are 10 techniques that are known to work well if you want to improve internet traffic for your company.

Many businesses struggle to come up with fresh, creative ideas to boost website traffic as content marketing grows and traditional marketing declines. There are many ways to grow the number of visitors to your website, but reusing unsuccessful tactics over and over again will harm your company's performance. Here are 10 techniques that are known to work well if you want to improve internet traffic for your company.

Nowadays, the majority of people use popular search engines to start their information search. According to market research, the majority of consumers only clicked on websites that were listed on the first page of search results. You can imagine that ranking highly in search engine results has grown to be crucial for many businesses.

The largest problem marketers confront is probably understanding what a consumer sees and experiences during their interaction with your company. We may question why clients leave tabs open for hours simply to close them or why they take more than one step to get from point A to point B when it should just require one when we observe their behavior. But with the correct tools, seizing control of this crucial data is feasible, moving your company forwards with a deeper comprehension of your clients and the ability to enhance the client experience.

Email marketing has been around for almost as long as marketing itself, yet it remains one of the most popular, cost-effective and highest performing marketing channels currently available. A recent eMarketer study shows that the average ROI of email marketing is 122%. This should be enough alone to convince you to use email marketing but if that’s not enough how about the fact that the ROI of email marketing is approximately four times higher than its next closest competitor.

A change is coming and it’s going to change the entirety of the internet as we know it. Blockchain, Non-Fungible Tokens, and virtual reality are the first products of Web3 and while these might be unfamiliar to you now, chances are - web3 will be our reality sooner than you think.

For content creators, convincing viewers to subscribe to your YouTube channel or website/newsletter may be the hardest thing you'll ever do. Building a community of loyal viewers is driven by commitment and focus. Before you gain your following, you may have to ask viewers to like, share and subscribe countless times.

The new environment of the Coronavirus epidemic is challenging. The desire to limit spending is felt by almost all businesses, especially by startup founders. You're going to need to assess your resources and carefully redistribute them if you want to keep your company afloat during this difficult time. It seems sensible to attempt to get the most out of your budget and resources. However, some are finding this to be rather challenging, especially if the judgment is a little clouded when the panic button has been touched. You can successfully bring in new clients if you have the correct marketing objectives and spending plan.

So, your business is picking up, earnings are up, and you're busier than ever before. The route you're taking seems to be the proper one. But how do you intend to tackle all those responsibilities and keep all that extra information organized? Is your technological infrastructure prepared to handle your future expansion? If not, MarTech is the answer to your problem.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.