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It would seem that the effectiveness of marketing campaigns are heavily tied to the quality of your database. So what happens if you find out your database really isn’t good? Well, the first step is accepting the truth that maybe your database which you spent so much money and effort on isn’t great. The next step is fixing it, which is actually the easiest part in many cases. Let’s take a look: 
(2 min read)

I'll admit, I've been a big time skeptic. There’s a conversation going around that cold calling is dead, and I just couldn’t bring myself to believe it.

I mean, what happened to being “held to the flames”? My first sales job I was on the floor making cold calls and closing big contracts within a few weeks.
Have you ever received LinkedIn messages that are a mile long with tons of links and generic language that you know was just copied and pasted? 

We all have. 
Driving massive brand awareness can be a powerful tactic in marketing, but true value is derived in the quality of who you are targeting. Marketing isn’t just a form of spreading awareness and news regarding products and services, but rather a science. Understanding how to build your marketing around a relevant and engaged audience is what will drive business success.
Lead generation through sharing content on social media has grown in importance over the past few years. Many marketers have caught onto this concept and have used it to the fullest potential by sharing news, blogs, customer service information, and tips...with a twist. The thought up images and carefully curated canva posts that marketers are making are becoming more and more like a subtle sales pitch. In the past, seeing any promotional components in posts would turn off potential leads, however, because of this shift and slow, easy transition, it is a new norm.

1. Not listening

As a marketer you have a pretty good understanding of what actually needs to be done for a client, however sometimes marketers go off on their own ideas and ignore what the client wants. STOP!  Remember the number 1 objective should be your client's happiness. That means listening to what the client wants and making compromises when possible.   
An organically grown email list is key to a strong online presence. However, asking for someone’s email address can be tricky. I had personal experience requesting email addresses in a store and people treating me like I requested exclusive access to their first born child’s naming rights. Anyway, users are reluctant to just give out their email address when they first step foot on your site. They want to be certain they enjoy your content and find value in it. Below I will include a short list of useful lead gen tools to capture emails but first let’s go over a few polite ways to ask for users’ emails.
How Often Do You Network?

If you are a business struggling to get leads and you answered “never” to the above question then you are in for a big surprise.
Today LinkedIn has become an invaluable resource. Whether you are using it to prospect, to recruit, for marketing or for research, you need to make sure your profile reflects your main objective. LinkedIn is a powerful tool for making connections and finding business, so use it wisely.

It might be time for your LinkedIn to go through a refresh. Consider these tips when making your profile more sales centric.
Instagram is more than pictures, and Facebook is more than a stalking tool. These two popular social media platforms are just a couple of content driven marketing tools that your business can use to generate leads. Think of it as an equation:

Content = Leads = $$ = Recommendations = $$$$

Seems simple enough, right?

Then how are so many businesses getting it wrong?
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.