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We’ve all heard the expression “money is in the list,” and it’s true. So, to build the list what is your best tool? I’m a fan of the lead magnet. A lead magnet is defined as an irresistible and ethical bribe offering a specific chunk of value to a prospect in exchange for their contact information. Creating a good lead magnet is different than just creating something. It has to be relevant to what you eventually want to sell, and it has to be of value to your audience.
What are you currently doing as far as lead generation? Once you have captured a lead, how are you nurturing them? Do you have a system in place to handle incoming leads? How are you getting your leads? These are all questions you need to answer when considering lead generation.
Without doubt, every company has a marketing problem. 
By Christopher Niesche - smh.com.au

EVERY small business should have a prospect list - a database of existing and potential customers where the business can focus its marketing efforts.

But it needs to be more than just a list of names and email addresses. It has to contain people who are in the target market for your products.

Here are tips on how to build up a prospect list.
But your website is a dog’s breakfast?

Does your website directly attribute to your overall business objectives, drive sales, and directly assist in improving your bottom line?
Marketing Eye works with hundreds of companies seeking to give their customers a better online experience and drive quality leads to their sales teams.

We understand the latest in SEO techniques, social media integration and enhancing website functionality.

Now is the time to start thinking about how your website can do more for your business.
3 days and already a 1000% increase in website traffic!!!!

A few simple changes to your website can mean a lot to your business. In the past few days, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. has made small changes to website content and layout. The reason for these changes was that we haven't had a good look at our website for a few months and the bounce rate on some pages were getting over the 50% mark.

After spending a good hour looking at the facts and figures outlined on Google Analytics, we identified pages on our website that had higher bounce rates than others. In fairness, most of our website pages rank very highly with Google and people stay on our website for more than 5 minutes on average. This is a great achievement for a website in professional services marketing.
Aug 30, 2011
75% of search engine traffic never scroll past the first page. Do you know what your bounce rate is?

31% of consumers browse online daily for products and services. That means, that potentially, they could be buying from your website.

If you have a website and are looking for quality leads, but it's a dog's breakfast... then now is time to take action. We are getting into the pointy end of the year and there is no time to spare to get your website right, to generate new fresh leads.
Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, YouTube and a good website that ineracts with your customers, on all levels - tis the small business marketing machine.

It's true. Small business, may be a BIG business online if your machine is well oiled and working efficiently, generating the results that you expect.
Has anyone ever said to you before "when the time is right, it's right"?

I have heard it a few times and I have to say, it's exactly that. I heard it, but I didn't 100% believe it. Is the time ever right?

In life, whether it's falling in love, buying a house, moving to the country, or going on a holiday - timing is typically everything.

Whereas in business, a lot of different areas need to fall into place for the timing to be right. For instance, if you want to expand, you have to have the right processes in place, finance in order, marketing strategy ready to go and people. For all of these things to be 100% in place is near impossible. Right? Wrong.

Thursday... not feeling well.

Friday... sick.
Saturday... sick.
Sunday... sick.

Now, why is this good for small business? On Thursday, it wasn't. On Friday, it wasn't, well, not until it was well and truly into the evening. Saturday and Sunday, it was.

When you are forced to STOP, it's impossible not to clear everything from your mind and get on with the job at hand, and that is getting well.

Meetings are missed, proposals are not sent, work is not completed. It really is a royal pain in the a***. BUT, this down time can be good for your small business. As a small business marketer, I try to absorb every possible item of advertising, marketing and public relations activity that crosses my path. There are millions of pieces day-in, day-out that I am confronted with. Of course, I don't take in everything, but I do try and absorb as much as possible and relate it back to the Marketing Eye client base.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.