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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

What Your Marketing Budget Needs

Building a marketing budget is a crucial step in establishing your marketing needs, especially when so many companies are more reluctant to spend money right now. By implementing a marketing budget, your organization will be able to plan and strategize financially like never before. A comprehensive marketing budget will allow your team to set realistic and attainable goals for all of your marketing efforts. Below, we have some things to consider while you are building your next marketing budget. 

How to Drive Engagement with Social Media

Content is created for the sole purpose of educating and engaging your audience. Content marketing is meant to drive your brand and get the attention of people who have a problem that you can solve. But what if you’re having trouble generating engagement with your content? There is always the possibility that you might have to rework your content, but it could just be that no one is seeing it. Social media builds relationships with your customers and puts your information right in front of them. Below, we have several ways to use social media to increase audience engagement with your brand.

4 Ways to Build a Better Lead Generation Strategy

Are you treating customers like leads? Today’s customers are not interested in partnering with a company that will treat them like another number. The customer journey needs to be optimized to include everything your audience needs, whether that’s educational content, product demonstrations, or access to your sales team to discuss what they need. First, you need to develop a stronger lead generation strategy that will draw leads and provide value to where they are. Below, we have four ways to build a better lead generation strategy. 

How Marketing Eye's Website Services Can Help You

With the continued rise of the digital business space, the importance of a modern and comprehensive website is more important than ever. Operating without a website that can tell the story of your business and your products will only hurt your efforts to generate revenue and brand awareness. These days, a website is so much more than a digital storefront. In order to refresh your website, you need a partner to come alongside your brand to help you navigate this process. Marketing Eye has the expertise and the tools to not only optimize your website for overall performance, but we can also completely redefine your brand and use your website as a completely new and fresh way to tell your story. Here’s how Marketing Eye can help you:

Why You Should Outsource Your Marketing Team

The most exciting aspect of starting a business is seeing all of your ideas, dreams and hard work come to life. Now that it’s up and running, you need customers. When you’re starting, you probably don’t have a marketing team (or the budget to pay an internal marketer) to help generate leads and get the word out about your product. Making a sale without marketing is a really difficult and time-consuming task, so you need specific people devoted to your marketing efforts. Have you considered outsourcing your marketing team? Plenty of companies outsource their development, accounting, and customer service teams. Below, we discuss some of the benefits that an outsourced marketing team provides.

What Your Marketing Strategy Should Accomplish

A comprehensive marketing strategy should serve as the roadmap for a business' marketing efforts, laying out a strategized, thought out approach to each of your marketing initiatives. Are you leveraging your marketing strategy to ensure that your company is more successful? Below, we have several key points that your marketing strategy should accomplish for your business. 

4 Tips for Nurturing Leads

Nurturing leads is one of the biggest responsibilities marketers have in their relationship with the clients. While the process can look different each day, it’s important to develop an approach that works through A/B testing and studying analytics. By developing a deeper understanding of what your audience is looking for, you can begin to truly nurture the relationship from the first point of contact to the conversion. Below, we have four tips for nurturing leads.

How Innovative Digital Marketing Can Transform Your Business

If you own a business in 2020, you know all about having to stay relevant to your customer base. Whether you want to continue to be innovative or not, the simple truth is that inaction will do far greater harm than pushing your business out of its comfort zone. The best way to transform your business and change with the times is by implementing a digital marketing strategy. Digital marketing is the tool to take your business to the next level and keep up with your audience's expectations.

Why Marketing ROI is So Important

Businesses are always looking for new ways to drive revenue while cutting down on margins at the same time. The return on investment in marketing needs to be considered from the beginning as a way to gauge your goals and track your progress. Not only do marketers need to consider what exactly the return on investment is, but which program received the best return. If you measure your ROI correctly, it can garner more trust, a bigger budget, and enable your marketing tactics to increase your business impact.

What the Future of Marketing Looks Like

What does the future of marketing look like? The marketing industry is constantly changing in the face of several different challenges, and marketers should be prepared to change with it. Staying ahead of trends is never an easy job, but it makes a huge difference in preparing for the future. As we begin to transition into a 2021 state-of-mind, take the time to establish what your marketing priorities should be and what steps you can take to meet each priority in the years to come.


How to Make Your Logo More Effective

When you are building a business from the ground up, there is a lot to consider. It’s easy enough to focus on how your company will turn a profit, but there’s one thing that shouldn’t be allowed to slip through the cracks: the creation of your logo. Your logo will do many things for your business by giving your audience something to recognize and setting up a visual identity. Below, we have some essential considerations for your logo creation process.

4 Reasons to Write a Business Plan

For those that are starting businesses right now, it’s crucial to establish a secure foundation amidst the whirlwind of tasks that need to be done. Writing a business plan is an essential first step for all business leaders who are hoping to prepare and start on the right foot moving forward. Business leaders who take the time to write a business plan are 16% more likely to succeed than those who don’t. Below, we have four reasons why you should write a business plan.

How Marketing and Advertising are Related

If you don’t fully understand the difference between marketing and advertising, you are not alone! Marketing and advertising are certainly related and intertwined, but there is a distinguishable difference between the two platforms. Each platform has different processes and approaches to promote products and services, but they work towards the same goal. Knowing how they differentiate will put your business on the path to success.

How to Improve Your Customer Service with a Chatbot

Chatbots are here to usher in a new era of customer service! Are you ready? Customer service agents will always be needed for the human element of customer conversations, but a chatbot can significantly assist your customer service team. Customer service agents love automated services like this because it frees them up to focus on the bigger pieces of their work. It creates a win-win situation where the chances that a customer will have to call in for support are diminished while being more productive with the time of the customer service agents. Below, we have some ways that a chat could change the way your customer service operates.

Why Your Business Can't Afford to Not Have a Marketing Strategy

You might feel as if implementing a marketing strategy is more of a guideline than a rule, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. You wouldn’t play chess without a strategy, so you shouldn’t market your company without one. Sure, budgets may be tight, and it could be hard to justify implementing a strategy that would require time and, especially if it’s outsourced, money. But the truth is, you can’t afford not to have a marketing strategy. A marketing strategy is instrumental to the success of your company. Your company may barely survive without one, but it will never thrive. You can’t afford to not have a marketing strategy because without your marketing efforts will be much weaker. A company’s strength comes from its very best plans. Why wouldn’t you want to put your company’s very best foot forward on the path to success?


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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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  • Our addresses:
    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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