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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

Taking Your B2B Marketing to New Dimensions with Emojis

The surge in online communication has birthed a unique language: emojis. While B2C brands have readily embraced this trend, incorporating emojis extensively into their social media content, these symbols have broken free from their initial confines. They've evolved into a universal language, transcending borders and demographics. Their remarkable ability to convey emotions, simplify complex ideas, and infuse digital interactions with a human touch is undeniable. But the question persists: Can these small icons find a place in the world of B2B, a realm often associated with formality and professionalism? The answer lies in striking a balance between upholding professionalism and ensuring relatability.

Elevating B2B Blog Engagement: Navigating Common Content Creation Mistakes

B2B blogging serves a dual purpose: it enhances website visibility, bolsters SEO strategies, and acts as a dynamic tool for engaging with target audiences. Remarkably, research by HubSpot demonstrates a staggering 434% increase in indexed pages for websites that include blogs. A survey by Orbit Media revealed that a mere 21% of respondents recognised that their blogs didn't perform as expected. The primary culprit for blog underperformance is the absence of purposeful and meaningful content. To secure a prominent spot on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP), your blog must meet Google’s criteria as 'original content that adds value for users.' Additionally, blogs lacking organisation hinder search engines from effectively sorting and indexing your pages, potentially causing them to go unnoticed.

A Vital Perspective for Marketers: Comprehending the Contrast Between Millennials and Gen Z

In the perpetually evolving realm of marketing, a constant truth persists – the significance of comprehending and connecting with the intended audience. As we embrace the digital age, this relationship becomes increasingly intricate, particularly when navigating the distinction between millennials and Gen Z. While these two groups share certain traits, they also possess a myriad of distinct preferences and behaviours that shape their outlook on the world, a crucial aspect for marketers to address.

Navigating the Entitlement Paradox: Unraveling the Employer-Employee Debate

In the intricate tapestry of workplace dynamics, one thread that consistently weaves its way through conversations is the sense of entitlement. The clash between employers and employees over what each party believes they deserve has sparked debates, raised eyebrows, and prompted introspection within the professional realm. Unveiling the layers of this complex issue is akin to untangling a web of perceptions, context, and psychology, shedding light on what lies beneath the surface.

Marketing Strategy in 2023: Where AI Marketing Strategies Win

In the current competitive race, it's more important than ever to have a winning marketing strategy. A marketing strategy is a plan that outlines your goals, objectives, and tactics for reaching your target audience. It should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

A 3-Decade Journey in Marketing: Learning, Adapting, and Thriving

By Mellissah Smith, Founder of Marketing Eye

As I reflect on my three-decade journey in the dynamic world of marketing, from my early days at the front desk to running an international marketing firm with a diverse range of clients, I'm reminded of the countless lessons learned and the continuous evolution of our industry. The marketing landscape has seen seismic shifts, and the way we approach our craft has transformed in ways we could never have predicted. This journey of learning, adapting, and thriving has not only shaped our team and client experiences but also the very essence of what it means to be a marketer in this day and age.

Unlocking the Power of B2B Email Automation: Your Guide to Lead Nurturing Success

In B2B marketing, capturing, nurturing, and converting leads into loyal customers has become more challenging than ever before. As the buyer-driven market demands personalised and timely communication, businesses must adopt effective lead-nurturing strategies to stay ahead of the competition. A powerful tool that can make this process seamless and efficient is B2B email automation. By leveraging the capabilities of email marketing automation, businesses can deliver intuitive, adaptive, and personalised content at scale, guiding prospects through the sales funnel and driving conversions.

Unlocking Global Success: Growing Australian Companies Internationally with In-Market Marketing Strategies and Robotic Marketer

The boundaries of business have now expanded beyond borders and Australian companies are embracing the opportunities to grow their businesses internationally. After all, expanding to new markets presents immense potential for revenue growth, increased brand exposure and access to a broader customer base. However, entering foreign markets comes with its own set of challenges. In such cases, a well-crafted in-market marketing strategy is crucial to navigate the complexities and ensure success in the new market.

Unleashing B2B Marketing Potential: The Influence of LinkedIn Groups

This highly competitive B2B marketing industry is encouraging businesses to continuously seek innovative ways to reach their target audience effectively. Amidst a plethora of marketing tools, LinkedIn Groups have emerged as a transformative force, providing businesses with a dynamic platform to elevate their B2B marketing endeavors. These virtual communities offer a unique opportunity to connect with the target audience, showcase expertise, and drive brand awareness.

The Power of Storytelling in Branding: Crafting Compelling Narratives

When we think of successful branding, personalisation should always come to mind. However, it's easy to get stuck on how to achieve it. One of the most effective ways to personalise your brand while resonating and engaging with your audience is through storytelling. Explore the concept of storytelling, its significance in branding, and how to successfully incorporate it into your marketing plans.

Leveraging AI for Smarter Marketing Strategies - Insights from a Marketing Consultant with 30 year’s experience
My name is Mellissah Smith and I am an experienced marketing consultant with Marketing Eye. Today, I want to address a concerning trend that has been spreading across social media regarding the role of AI in marketing and the potential misconceptions surrounding its capabilities.
The Power of Marketing Models: Shaping Effective Marketing Strategies

One of the reasons why the field of marketing is so exciting and popular is because it keeps evolving on a daily basis. The only way to succeed at every step of the way is to continuously learn, adapt, and explore. While digital marketers strive to access new platforms and take unique and creative approaches with effective content marketing to reach their target audience and keep them engaged, there are also certain technical factors that can be extremely beneficial when utilised.

The Evolution of Marketing Strategy: Embracing New Platforms and Data-Driven Insights

Marketing trends keep changing by the hour and it is so important for the marketers to have their finger on the pulse of these trends. Throughout the years, marketing strategies have undergone a significant transformation to keep pace with evolving consumer behaviours and the emergence of new platforms like Threads and TikTok. To understand how these platforms impact the client behaviour and demands, and their influence on marketing, let’s study the evolution of marketing strategies. This way, we can also embrace new marketing platforms and understand why data-driven insights are crucial for achieving marketing effectiveness.

Coloring Your Brand for Success: A Step-by-Step Guide to Choosing the Right Color Palette

Colors are a powerful tool in the world of branding, capable of conveying emotions, evoking responses, and shaping perceptions. Selecting the right color palette for your brand goes beyond mere aesthetics; it is a strategic decision that can significantly impact your business's success. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through a step-by-step process to identify the best colors for your brand. We will explore the emotions and moods associated with each color, helping you understand how they can evoke specific responses from your audience. Additionally, we will cover color combinations, contrast, and accessibility considerations to ensure your brand remains visually appealing and inclusive to all. By following our expert advice, you will have the tools to bring your brand's personality to life through the power of color, setting the stage for a successful and memorable brand identity.

Cracking the Code of Personalization: How Social Listening Ignites Audience Understanding

In the contemporary digital landscape, where businesses strive to connect with their customers on a deeper level, a transformative tool has emerged – social listening. Imagine a world where brands can gain unparalleled insights into their audience's desires and motivations, crafting tailor-made experiences that resonate with your audience on a profound level. Social listening has brought us one step closer to this digital utopia, unveiling the secrets of audience understanding and igniting the flame of genuine engagement. Embark on a journey into the realm of social media magic, exploring the enchanting power of social listening and how it empowers businesses to decipher the cryptic language of their audience.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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