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Something strange is going on.  A lot of successful business people say that there comes a time in your business life cycle that it either plateaus or the business fires with the injection of new products or services.
White-Party-in-Fitzroy-Street-MelbourneEver wondered how some people get a story in the paper, whilst others do not even though they may be more successful, make more money, have more prestigious clients and have a better name? Public relations is just what is says. It is free publicity about you and/or your company. Some call it simply ‘human relations’.
I had a dream and it wasn’t to run the biggest company. It was to run a company that recreates the expectations of an industry and that is exactly what I am doing.
The David Jones saga continues and I have to say, that I probably am of the opinion that David Jones and Mark McGuinness are being played just so some young girl can make a few million. More than she ever would have made in her entire career.
Like most companies, Marketing Eye has monthly sales targets and each month for the past year, we have either exceeded it or at least matched our own expectations.

After sitting in on a meeting with some suppliers of marketing related products to one of my clients today, I was abruptly reminded of just how easy it is for good sales people to pursuade small businesses to use one product over another.

Whilst I am not one to slam anyone under the marketing umbrella, the more I meet and greet, the more I am seeing there certainly are types.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.