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Yes, I am a Millennial...which means I’m likely lazy, entitled, and on my phone while writing this. Those are just a few of the generalizations made across my generation, most of which you and I know to be true. What you don’t know is that we are a more self-aware generation than has ever existed previously, and this is going to change your brand one way or the other.

Traveling the world, whether it is for business or pleasure, allows you to learn and discover the morals and ethics of people all around the world. In business, especially successful businesses, transactions, and interactions internationally are almost guaranteed to occur. Companies and businesses have made it a trend to place more value on the employees with multicultural backgrounds and talents. Having someone apart from the team gives an advantage to the business or company when they do decide to venture into the international field.
It’s incredible how a scientific anomaly can impact our culture and our businesses. It was a pleasant surprise to pull up my social media profiles and not see endless Trump posts, for or against.  Everyone around the U.S. dropped everything and acknowledged an event much larger than a personal opinion or celebrity story. So just how big of an effect did the eclipse have on the US?
Finding the right work-life balance can be one of the most challenging feats to achieve for both businesses and for professionals in the workplace. Many times it seems as though we find ourselves on either side, either too focused on work, which affects our personal lives and relationships. And on the other hand, we may get too wrapped up in our personal lives that we let it affect the way we work. In this article we are going to take a look at what drives this work-play balance, and what it could do for you.
The world is filling up with people who are quick to jump at conclusions and ascertain their own opinions with little backing. This has led to a rather volatile and uninformed movement by the younger generation. Being a millennial myself, I want to examine why this shift is taking place and how we can turn this ship around.
Do you really know your internal brand? What the people in your team think about the company, management and each other - and how that is portrayed outwards?

Today I decided to be brave enough to ask my team in Atlanta what our brand is internally. I asked them to be truthful and to not be shy in saying what they personally think my internal brand in their office is.

I was surprised, impressed and felt like we had all done something right because their thoughts on our internal brand were everything I would dream for a company I worked for to have.
Over the years the psychology of color has been a controversial topic.  Marketers and scientists alike have formed connections between the colors and reactions the human subconscious has towards them. However, although there have been many studies to support certain aspects, there has also been a disconnect.  This disconnect between person to person has been attributed to experiences, personal preference, culture, and upbringing.  All of these aspects influence a person's opinion about certain colors and therefore make some studies unreliable from the get go.  However, although there is a noticeable disconnect, some marketers swear by colors and the persuasion they have over consumers.  According to a study done in 2006 in the journal Management Decision, people can make 62% to 90% of their snap decisions about products based on color alone.  Let’s delve into the wonderful world of colors, what do most psychologists say about colors and the power they have over branding?

Did you know you can get a degree in storytelling? Several universities offer a Master of Arts in Professional Communication with a Concentration in Storytelling. Storytelling is defined as the conveying of events in words, sounds and/or images, often by improvisation or embellishment. Culturally, humans have been using stories or narratives to preserve our history long before the written word even existed. These stories we used for entertainment, education, and instilling moral values, think of Aesops Fables.
Have you ever picked up a magazine and counted the amount of faces in it that looked like yours? Have you ever walked by a store, peering in the windows to try and find a model larger than a size 6? Or maybe you’ve leafed through a catalog trying to find people that at least seem like you?
A bride in India has her hands painted with henna two nights before her wedding. In Chile it is socially acceptable and preferred to arrive late to events. In Japan the number four is avoided at all costs for the similarity in sound to their word meaning “for death.” Being interrupted while speaking is common and not considered rude in Brazil.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.