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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

Marketing Eye Small Business Marketing Articles

Travel diaries: I am currently travelling to Amsterdam for a Global Entrepreneurs Conference. All stories are inspired by conversations with other entrepreneurs and adventures along the way.

Someone's First Choice

I want to be someone's first choice. But what happens when you are not?

In the movie with Kate Hudson "Something Borrowed" Ginnifer Goodwin's character has an affair with her best friend's (Kate Hudson's character Darcy) fiance.  Now this does not seem like your typical feel good scenario as it goes against the grain of what friendship and loyalty is all about, but it does make you question the whole concept of first choice. To be someone's first choice is a romantic notion and is not only my fairytale but the fairytale of millions of girls the world over.

In business, we all want to be someone's first choice. When you first lock eyes, that the connection you have with that person is so intense that it forms a lifelong relationship, right there and then. It's like love at first sight, but in a business sense.

But the question is, ' can you create that moment where you become someone's first choice'?

When you choose Burger King over McDonalds - can Burger King really do something about making their burgers your first choice? Or when a consultant walks into your office to sell you a service-can they be your first choice by changing the way they look, the tone of their voices, the style of their presentation or the warmth in their smile when they say goodbye? Presentation coaches would say that you can create a love at first sight scenario - but can you really?

I want to be someone's first choice, but is their first choice more than being just about me being me? That really is the question that every business person needs to answer.
Advertisements that Work
An outstanding NSS advertisement, placed in Lloyd's List, which was developed by our creative team!

Have you ever walked into a room and everyone has turned to stare at you?

Have you ever started a speech and known that every single person in the audience is holding onto every last word you say?

Do your staff proudly tell the world that they work for your company?

Are you customers skiting over the fact that they use your company's services?

If you are Mel B, she proudly proclaims that she knew she had the X Factor when she first started with the Spice Girls. More modestly, Ronan Keating from the X Factor believes that you never really know but people may start asking for your autographs or listening to your songs. The X Factor show has been a phenomenal success showcasing the talents of people with talent. The winners have the 'X Factor' and often go on to be highly successful. Think Susan Boyle.
Looking for quality leads, but your website is a dog's breakfast?
75% of search engine traffic never scroll past the first page. Do you know what your bounce rate is?

31% of consumers browse online daily for products and services. That means, that potentially, they could be buying from your website.

If you have a website and are looking for quality leads, but it's a dog's breakfast... then now is time to take action. We are getting into the pointy end of the year and there is no time to spare to get your website right, to generate new fresh leads.
A month to live. Not the words you want to hear. It can't be you. Right?

People every day, all over the world, get this devastating news. We hear about it, we read about it and we watch it on our television screens. But what happens when this news is much closer to home?
If the shoe fits, it's yours

To build an extraordinary team, you need extraordinary people. People that are inspired, that create their own opportunities and who want to make their mark on the position so that in no time, they get career opportunities for advancement and the world is literally their oyster.

But how do you get these people to come and work for you when you are a small business? The answer is marketing. Now, as a company, we have failed miserably in attracting the right people for the job because we don't market the positions - we post them!

That's now going to change. Thanks to the awesome marketers on the team and an inspired point of view, we now are looking to create the ultimate marketing outfit - not just deliver great work.

What do you think of this?
Each industry is different.

Let me assure you, if you follow the same marketing campaign as other industry sectors - you will fail.
15 Years ago, I sat in the office of the then Silicon Graphics State Manager for Queensland, Mal Walker, and commenced a discussion with him to gain his support for the Information Technology and Telecommunications Awards. Basically, I needed a dollar value sponsorship for the privilege of Silicon Graphics presenting an award and gaining invaluable exposure in the IT industry.

He said, "So you have come here to sell to me!". I was mortified! I don't sell, I market! I was simply presenting an opportunity for Silicon Graphics to market themselves to the IT industry in Queensland and to gain profile. Then, my job was to ensure that they received the publicity and profile that is commensurate with their dollar value sponsorship.
We are 6 weeks into a new financial year. The market took a big nose dive last week causing many sleepless nights for people around the globe and housing prices are on the decline after a heated market that seemed to go for far too long effecting the sentiment of all consumers.

The Facebook's, Google's and Twitter's of the world, are rightly so, oblivious to any changes, because people are still flocking to their profitable billion dollar platforms that see the founders and investors laughing all the way to the bank. It's as if they won the lotto and the rest of us just keep putting our tickets in each week, in hope.

Google for Small Business

If you haven’t sent off your details to be included in the latest social network craze, Google , then you should do so – immediately!

With more than 25 million people joining in the first month, since its launch at the end of June, Google may very well, become the most successful social network of all time.

I have a headache - but hey, who hasn't? With GFC, natural disasters and market crash after crash - I have to say, I have now stopped worrying about the small stuff and am trying, in vein, to not feel anything when another bout of bad news comes my way.

The US debt issue is bigger than one can imagine. It not only effects the US, but the entire global economy. To find out that our Australian dollar has fallen prey and is now on par again with the US dollar is incredibly disappointing. I have just found out how easy it is to buy everything and sundry online from the US and save big time. I now feel guilty every time I make a purchase in a store locally, because I know that I am being royally screwed when it comes to price.
I've written pages and pages of notes whilst lying by the pool. I have recorded podcast after podcast in my hotel room whilst awaiting dinner engagements, meeting up with friends or going to the beach. And, I've written a new business plan, marketing strategy and information memorandum - all in one week.

Now, that may not seem like a holiday to most people, but as an entrepreneur, having a holiday is more about letting my body relax and freeing my mind from any stresses. If ideas and innovations flow from being in this relaxed state, then jotting down some notes, really isn't too difficult at all.


Jul 18, 2011 Written by

A new year means many things to many people. If you are an entrepreneur and it is a new financial year, your goals will tend to be around business. Alternatively, 1st of January tends to be a combination of personal and professional goals.

As I look back on the year we have just had, I smile. Why? I think it is more to do with growing – as a person and as an entrepreneur.

We are more than 2 weeks into the new financial year and already the business side of things is getting in the way of marketing the brand and driving sales. Is your business any different? Are you being overcome with day-to-day activities that are absorbing all your energy and time?

Marketing is one of those areas in the business that needs to be placed on the agenda. It has to be on the Minutes of Management Meeting's week after week. If not, it is far too often, placed to the way-side.
The Power of a Good Testimonial

“Before we engaged Marketing Eye, we had alot of great ideas and concepts, but they were going in every direction possible. Then we hired Marketing Eye as our marketing managers, and they put all of these ideas together and added their marketing experience, to develop a strategy that is finally getting implemented."

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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Marketing Eye
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    3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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