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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

Marketing Eye Small Business Marketing Articles

As I said to a friend of mine the other day, "everyone in small business has been there at one time or another".

If you think that as a small business owner that only you are going through tough times, employees leaving, cash flow issues, stress and sleepless nights - you are fooling yourself.

While you may be going through these things, so too are millions of other small businesses around the globe.
The lyrics to Kenny Rogers song The Gambler is one of my all time favourites. Here are a few exerpts out of the song, that if you relate it to business and your next deal, you might find something to remember.

He said, "Son, I've made my life
Out of readin' people's faces
Knowin' what the cards were
By the way they held their eyes
So if you don't mind my sayin'
I can see you're out of aces
For a taste of your whiskey
I'll give you some advice"

So I handed him my bottle
And he drank down my last swallow
Then he bummed a cigarette
And asked me for a light
And the night got deathly quiet
And his faced lost all expression
He said, "If you're gonna play the game, boy
You gotta learn to play it right

You've got to know when to hold 'em
Know when to fold 'em
Know when to walk away
Know when to run
You never count your money
When you're sittin' at the table
There'll be time enough for countin'
When the dealin's done

Now every gambler knows the secret to survivin'
Is knowin' what to throw away
And knowin' what to keep
'Cause every hand's a winner
And every hand's a loser
And the best that you can hope for
Is to die in your sleep"

Knowing when to hold 'em and knowing when to fold 'em, knowing when to walk away and knowing when to run - when you are doing a deal, if you can do all of these things in a sound manner, you will always win the hand. The issues we face in business is that we don't always get these things right. Even the most experienced deal makers like your Murdochs and Packers don't always get it right - so how do us (mere mortals) get it right?

I thought about this song as I was walking into a list after lunch, and it really stuck in my mind. Thought I would share it on this marketing blog.

The Wake Up Call - Is Your Business Situation Forcing You To Take Action?
Trying to wake up this morning wasn't easy. I was in a deep sleep dreaming about something that extended from a blog I wrote yesterday and I really wanted the dream to finish, but unfortunately, the alarm went off and I had to get up. I then preceded to walk around in a daze for the next hour or so. When that happens, its really hard to function properly and even the easiest tasks like turning off a light may seem like hard work.
Sitting on a beach in the Bahama's sipping Pina Coladas, and soaking up the glorious rays of sunshine - ipad in hand... life could not get much better. If this is working, then I am totally up for it! Thus, is the virtual world. Anyone can do anything from anywhere - with no diminishing quality constraints.

The idea of a virtual anything is often something that we look at with trepidation - HOWEVER - is this the actions of a foolish person? Harsh... I get that, but as a stickler for little or no change, I am the first to admit that I am a slow adopter of many things that end up being very good for me and definately for my business. To change a technology that we may use, would be likened to going to the dentist and having my wisdom teeth removed without gas.
Wanting to impregnate your business?
You can tell when you have hit a certain age and everyone is either wanting to get married and have babies or they are deluding themselves with their own positive affirmations that they are in fact 'happy' just the way they are and wouldn't change their world for anything or anybody. The latter tends to think that by caring about someone other than themselves or making any changes to their lives would only lead to 'unhappiness' or as I like to think, 'putting themselves in a vunerable situation in which they cannot control'. Having spent the last couple of weeks with a number of single, middle-aged, childless, unmarried individuals who proclaim that by having anything different in their lives, they would have to change their lives and that is something none of them aim to do. Going out, drinking too much, partying too much and holidaying at every opportune moment seems to be key to what they think is the perfect life - of course, until they wake up one day and realise that they are all alone and they have spent too much time loving themselves to realise that there is no-one there to love them when they need it most.
Business slowing down when it should be speeding up?
December 7 and counting. While most of us have a jam-packed agenda for December with Christmas shopping to be done, parties, last minute things to finish at work, deals to close and family to catchup with, it seems that many small business owners get so caught up in what is going on, that they forget about what the future may hold.

2012 isn't going to be easy. It is predicted that we will see more floods, earthquakes, droughts, heat waves and cold spells as the world's weather patterns show increasing destabilisation but fortunately the world will not end as previously predicted on December 21, 2012.
What's in your mailbox this Christmas?
Today, marketing happens in real time. Anywhere. Anytime.

While one-way communication is almost dead and buried, there seems to be an influx of 'worried' retailers out there who are scurrying to put the latest 'offer' or 'promotion' in everyone's letterboxes.
Marketing Consultants or Marketing Managers are being kept on their feet these days with changes in technology, the economy, corporate responsiblity and the new green ethos that surrounds most businesses large and small.

When looking at a company, whether it is large or small, it is imperative that marketing consultants (or marketing managers) are across all areas of marketing. It's no longer about the 4P's as most Gen-X marketers who now hold the senior positions in marketing have trained on, and more about social media, customer interaction, mobile marketing, podcasts, blogs, online marketing, guerilla marketing, slideshare and of course word of mouth marketing.
Word of Mouth Marketing - Powerful
Yesterday, James Moran, the founder of James Moran Furniture, called to say hello. I haven't seen James for a little while as we have both been busy.

As the son of one of the most famous furniture family dynasty's in Australia (Moran Furniture), James Moran has one of the most stylish and professional showroom's in Australia and is currently selling into some of the largest retail chains select lines. Many of Toorak's great homes feature a James Moran Furniture couch and if you go down to the cinema's, chances are that in Gold Class you may be sitting in one of his designer chairs. Office fitouts for the uber trendy and professional are taken to a new level with a piece from James Moran Furniture and anyone who knows anything about furniture, can spot a James Moran Furniture piece a mile away.
He is one of the best cricketers in the world and let's face it, the most interesting. Whether you are a man who wants to be like him, or a woman who wouldn't mind trading places with Elizabeth Hurley for a night - there is a lot to admire.

Not unlike the lifecycle of a business, Shane Warne has had many ups and downs, some public and I am sure, a lot more private. He has had his haters, his supporters, his loyal fans and those who simply admire him for his achievements.
With more than 500 friends on facebook, I have always been reluctant to share anything to do with work with my friends.

As many of you know, I write a blog most days which is receives thousands of visitors around the globe, many loyal enough to read my blog within minutes of it being posted.

d23c29a0237620b7d07d829eb26053a6 [BREAKING] Facebook Arm Tattoo a Publicity Stunt Guerilla Marketing Example

Most small businesses ignore guerilla marketing as part of their marketing mix. Why? Because most think that it's just what the big companies do.

Well, that is true most of the time, but not because it costs alot of money to do. It's mainly because their creative agencies or someone with a spot of 'genius' has come up with a guerilla marketing idea that has great potential.

Have you seen the Facebook Tattoo guerilla marketing exercise that was sponsored by  Rotterdam tattoo artist Dex Moelker and his company? The pictures above, but there is a much better video floating on YouTube with more hits than you can hope for.

When this piece of guerilla marketing was being passed around, we should have realised that it wasn't for real. Let's face it... the average person firstly would not be stupid enough to tattoo 152 of their friends on their arm (because they might be friends today, but tomorrow, it's quite possible they may block you because of something you said, did or didn't do). The dead giveaway was the optimised key words on YouTube. Now, even I would not think to do that (but one of my digital marketers definately would!).

The story spread like wildfire and media outlets around the world reported the bizarre story. It's biggest impact though would have been through social media. Too bizarre to be real? You betcha! It was just a transfer - not a tattoo and a brilliant piece of guerilla marketing.

Marketing Consultants Suck!
You heard it! They suck!

They know stuff...but not enough stuff to be totally across the entire marketing mix ensuring that they are 100% of the time working in the best interests of the small business that they are working for.
Vision, Plan, Execute... Or You Won't Survive
Last night I had dinner with a good friend of mine. He is one of the smartest people I know in business. He is not only academical, but very street smart.

I talked in length about the next stage of Marketing Eye's business. That is, expansion into the US, selling rights for the company in Europe and basically becoming a truly global player in small business marketing. No else seems to be taking the lead, so it may as well be me.
As an advocate for Twitter and someone who has benefited immensely in terms of sales and following from this platform, I have to say yesterday was a very sad day in our relationship.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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Marketing Eye
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    3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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