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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

Who am I? Do you want to know who Mellissah Smith really is? : 1 Mentor
The most amazing thing happened yesterday. I went to a pool party in Atlanta and a guy came up to me very excited at the opportunity to finally meet me. He had never met me before, but had heard things about me. But his real reason for wanting to meet me is that he is a "fan" of my blogs, tweets and really anything I put on social media.

Not the creepy type of fan. The genuine person who appreciates honestly, vulnerability and someone who is fearless in sharing her real life.

So, I thought I might start a few blogs about who I really am.

The mentor

It seems strange to use this word because I feel like I am not old enough or experienced enough to be anyone's mentor, but it just so happens that I am a mentor to a lot of people and that is something I have to take seriously.
Sometimes I am given great topics to write about just because I am out there living life to the fullest. I meet people from all walks of life and am continually exposed to different cultures. This is what I really love about my world.

Yesterday I received an apology, actually two from someone. As I read it and re-read it, I realized that it wasn't an apology, it was just words so that the person could get themselves out of a spot of bother. They didn't care less about the apology, but were probably advised to do so.
I prefer passion over all else particularly when it comes to work. Passion in love - is dangerous and there is ups and downs.

Bad relationships happen. They are inevitable. Particularly when you have been around for a while.

The more passionate you are about a person or anything really, the more it affects you and sends you a little crazier than normal. But mostly, logic comes back into play and you tend to correct whatever it is that went wrong.
If I had a magic ball, I would look deeply into it and think about what I really want to get out of life.

This morning I had breakfast at The Mercer Kitchen in Soho with my friend Kristina Karlsson, you know that phenomenal businesswoman who blows every other Australian businesswoman out of the water.
New year, new beginnings - it's going to be amazing
I had the most amazing gathering of people in Sydney last Friday. Every single second of my birthday party was special and something that I will cherish long after the glow dies down.
It's time to say goodbye
I am saying goodbye to being 41. It's not a sad day, it's one that I am celebrating. Why not? It's been a big year and full of surprises. I have learned more than I expected. My true friends have come out in spades and ensured that they have been there for me for both the good times and a few of the bad times.
Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow
I love this quote. I found it on the Goals Journal from Kikki.k and instantly wanted to write about it. It's so true. It's your choice as to whether you go backwards, stand still or go forwards. Every single thing you do in your life will inch you closer to a better tomorrow if you let it.

Things I do to make sure I have a better tomorrow:
One piece of advice that could be game-changing for you
I am not stupid. At least I don't think I am.

I try to listen to what others have to say and when someone gives me advice, I usually take it.

I have these two men in my life that are mentors. They are the two men throughout the world that I hold in the highest business esteem. Yes, the world. Not just Australia, but the world.

Their names are Jack Cowin and Peter Ivany. If you don't know who they are, Google them. It will be well worth your while. They are not your average 'smart cookies', they are briliant businessmen - beyond the brilliance of anyone else I have ever met (and I have met people worth hundreds of billions of dollars and spent quality time with them). I think these two guys are better. 
Perspective is an interesting thing
I've been away now for one week and am completely relaxed and recharged with a half decent tan courtesy of being in the mediterranean. Travelling has always been something that I have loved to do. I travel constantly for work and also for pleasure, usually mixing the two together. To travel is a luxury and a privilege. For the first time in a long while, I am seeing just how amazing my life has been because I have been able to travel and experience so many different cultures and environments, that broaden my perspective on life.
Are you being held back? How you can fix this today
Everyone has been there. You know, when you look in the mirror and wonder to yourself 'why you haven't achieved what you set out to achieve' and then give yourself an 'upper cut'. For those who don't know what that means, it's very Australian!

Everyone controls their own destiny and deep down, every person, even the one's that blame others for their 'lot in life', know that if you are not achieving something, then it's no-one's fault but your own.

They are harsh words. You may say that you wanted to be rich, but were never given the opportunity but we have heard lots of stories of people growing up dirt poor who become squillionaires or elite sportspeople - so that alone is no excuse.

We all want something. Many of use strive to achieve it and put the right actions in place to make it happen. When failure crosses our path, we get back up and dust ourselves off, then try again, perhaps in a different way.
Why some women stop other women from succeeding
Earlier this week a woman whom I know name called another woman that she doesn't really know a "gold digger" to myself. I was mortified. Not only was she completely wrong, and she knew it, she was acting out against another woman due to her own personal insecurities and trying to influence another. On top of this, the person she name called is a highly successful business woman who is 100 percent self made and never taken a penny from any male. She lives a highly luxurious life on her own dime and everyone knows it.
It is a dangerous position we have all been in!
Being the middle man is a dangerous position that we all have been in, and you would think that we would learn our lesson but many, like myself, find ourselves prey to being caught in the middle time and time again.
Reality check: success is not always everything you think it will be
 Somehow we got through the end of financial year in Australia. There's a lot to be done to make sure that everything is in order; every box ticked, every invoice accounted for.

My team made that deadline and for that I am very thankful. It didnt involve late nights, just a lot to be considered. My headspace over the past 2 weeks feels like there is so much in there, that it is impossible to take in any more.

I am in strategy phase. What's next? Where to from here? Who is doing what? What does the next 5 years look like? What does the next 10 years look like? 

Then of course, what about me? What is going to make my life more fulfilling in the next 5 years? Next 10 years?

It was enough to make me burst into tears.
Why I say no to cosmetic surgery - it's about liking who you are
What makes us different makes us beautiful. But yet millions of women don't look in the mirror and feel that way. Instead, they get porn star boobs, nose jobs, injectables, liposuction, eye lifts - all to look the same as everyone else.

I can't criticize, but it does make me sad. By being different, we present to the world who we really are and our unique beauty should stand for itself. To be able to look in the mirror and appreciate our "flaws" and find the essence of what makes us all as individuals special - is something many of us just cannot do.
9 Fears and Insecurities that I have : Mellissah Smith
Today I read an article that Ashton Kutcher shared on Facebook "8 Fears and Insecurities Everyone Has"

What resonated with Ashton was:

No. 1 I'm not good enough
No. 2 My work isn't good enough
No. 6 I'm afraid of failing/disappointing
No. 7 If people knew the real me, they wouldn't like me

Interesting. It's got me thinking. What are my fears and insecurities?

We all have fears and insecurities - it's human nature after all. As a woman in her early 40's that is single with a fast growth business, I possibly have more fears than insecurities.

After a bit of soul searching, this is what I came up with:
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