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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

What Made the Best Marketing Campaigns of 2021 Successful

In most cases, marketing campaigns don’t pick up traction and become successful on their own. The majority have a vast amount of time, money and planning put into them and curated in such a way that they gain the attention desired. 

There is no right or wrong way to approach a marketing campaign. Some tactics will work better in some campaigns and some that would be more appropriate in others. When it comes to knowing an approach to take, it can sometimes be a matter of trial and error. 

Several marketing campaigns were released in 2021 that made our heads turn and go, “wow”. Take Sephora’s “Black Beauty is Beauty” campaign. The video campaign, which was launched in August of 2021 set to acknowledge and give credit to people of color within the beauty industry. 

Why Companies Should Consider Ephemeral Content

What is Ephemeral Content

You may be asking yourself what is Ephemeral Content? Well, ephemeral content is media that is only available for a short period, usually 24 hours. It can take many different forms, such as pictures, videos, live-stream videos, and more. It’s typically most common on platforms such as Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram. Businesses have a huge opportunity to reach a young audience by incorporating ephemeral content. According to, Instagram stories had 500 million daily active users in 2019, and Snapchat had about 265 million daily active users reported in the fourth quarter of 2020.  This statistic shows the rise in the popularity of short stories. Here are a few reasons why your company needs to be using ephemeral content.

What is Web3 and How Will it Change Marketing?

A change is coming and it’s going to change the entirety of the internet as we know it. Blockchain, Non-Fungible Tokens, and virtual reality are the first products of Web3 and while these might be unfamiliar to you now, chances are - web3 will be our reality sooner than you think.

What is Web3?

Essentially, the internet has come in stages. Web1 was the very earliest stage of the internet where the skeletal framework of the internet was developed. Think, static information like text and imagery for consumption with zero potential for interaction. Web2 is what we are currently in. Social media has allowed us a new dimension for interaction and innovation – namely mobile, social, and the cloud. Web2 has opened the dimension for anyone that’s not a webpage developer to be a content creator. The seeming trend has been that with further development of the facets of the internet, the more time people are spending online. While the introduction of web3 is undoubtedly going to further merge the barriers between real-life experiences and the online, it is being touted as a revolution that’s changed everything.


With the new year just around the corner, many businesses are beginning to plan and jumpstart their creative cycles again. However, for many people, planning new marketing content can sometimes feel like a formidable task, especially when you are left feeling time constricted and empty on ideas.

Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Do you struggle to think of new ways to be distinct in the market?
  2. Have you run out of ideas for marketing content?
  3. Are you looking for a fresh new start to your marketing?

 If you answered YES to the following, then consider your problems solved!

Discover how you can effectively deliver your marketing content in your next plan by following these tips:

The Ultimate Guide to Marketing During the Christmas Period

Christmas is arguably the busiest time of the year and the biggest booster of annual revenue for brands. It is essential that you market effectively and efficiently during this holiday season, as ‘people are primed to spend money because they are either doing last-minute shopping or are preparing for the year to come and researching which brand they should give business to’. Ensuing from the past year of isolation and lockdowns, the general consensus among marketers and consumers is to start the festive season sooner rather than later and to ‘go bigger’ than ever before. Follow this ultimate guide to marketing during this Christmas period and ensure your brand is benefiting from the increased opportunity for sales during this season.  

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The role of the marketer has changed. From the pre-digital days to modern times, this shift has left the marketers’ without the ability to be versatile behind. Historically, marketing campaigns only consisted of a few channels. Now, with the rise of technology, there’s the internet, mobile phones, social media channels and smartphone apps. All of which are instrumental to a successful campaign. Recognising this transition and moving with it, is paramount to the success of a marketer. 

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Email marketing has been around for almost as long as marketing itself yet it remains one of the most popular, cost-effective and highest performing marketing channels currently available. A recent eMarketer study shows that the average ROI of email marketing is 122%. This should be enough alone to convince you to use email marketing but if that’s not enough how about the fact that the ROI of email marketing is approximately four times higher than its next closest competitor.

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As one of the most popular, cost-effective and highest performing marketing channels currently available, the rise of email marketing is exponential. The statistics outlining email marketing’s success are undeniable. A recent eMarketer study shows that the average ROI of email marketing is 122%. The ROI of email marketing is approximately four times higher than its next closest competitor. There are countless studies that glean the same results; email marketing is performing well and looks to remain the case for years to come.

Email marketing is one of the best marketing methods for a multitude of reasons. It is able to be used in a diverse range of business structures, responding and catering to each company’s specific needs. Financial service firms, for example, require niche marketing as their information, delivery and techniques are substantially different. Here are a number of the reasons why email marketing is invaluable to financial services firms.

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A surprising and interesting move, Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri announced that Instagram would be moving away from photo content and focusing instead on video, shopping, and other entertainment. Instagram claimed that their research directed them to change the way users share posts to their stories to encourage more ‘original’ content. So, what does this mean for smaller creators?

What is customer journey mapping and how can it help your business?

Understanding what a customer sees and experiences on their journey with your business is arguably the biggest challenge marketers face. When analyzing their behavior, we may wonder why customers leave tabs open for hours just to close them or why they take several steps to get from point A to B when it should only take one. But with the right tools, taking hold of this key information is possible, propelling your business forward with a greater understanding of your customers and therefore an opportunity to optimize your customer experience.

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There are many successful entrepreneurs around the world but for every successful entrepreneur, there are thousands of unsuccessful people. So, what is it that separates a truly successful entrepreneur from the rest of the pack? That’s a loaded question but from all the interviews and biographies we can gather that there are in fact a few things that all successful entrepreneurs have in common. These are the commonalities that seem to take them to the next level and creates the difference between someone who made it and someone who really made it. Here are five undeniable habits that everyone should adopt if they want to mirror the behavior of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs.

How Influencers Can Help Your Social Media Marketing

Social media is taking an increasingly larger portion of any marketing strategy, where, as of 2021 - there are 3.96 billion people using some form of social media. It’s an ever-expanding landscape that allows for a multitude of interactions where influencers are partnering with brands for paid promotions, and brands are leveraging influencers to boost their brand awareness.

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When using social media to market your business, what you create and how you position your business online will be highly dependent on who you are marketing to.
Despite the common misconception that social media is a young person's game, the greater accessibility to smart devices with 4G or greater functionality means that all generations are fair game in marketing. Regardless of whether they're a zoomer or a boomer, more than 80% of people from every generation use social media at least once per day.

How you market to them, (or how you should market to them) is dependant on all of the characteristics that define these crucial segments. Users across different generations will follow different trends and to a greater extent and will also use the same platforms as their generational counterparts in completely different ways. Understanding the difference is key in developing a successful marketing strategy as such nuances in usage will impact your brand.

Read on to learn how to target demographics effectively, through understanding generational differences in social media and the implications it has for your social media marketing strategy.

How To Design A Highly Precise Instagram Ads Campaign

Creating an Instagram ads campaign can be a profitable marketing strategy when it comes to promoting your brand. With over 1.074 billion users worldwide in 2021 and users spending an average of 53 minutes per day on the site, it pays to use Instagram in your social media marketing strategy. However, with Instagram’s popularity comes dense competition and there’s no point creating an Instagram ads campaign if you are not sure who your target audience is, where they are based, and most importantly, what they are likely to respond to.

There are many steps that a marketer must go through before even thinking about creating the content for their Instagram ads campaign. Conducting thorough market research before this will help ensure your campaign is cost-effective and highly precise. In this post, we will outline the key stages to designing a highly precise Instagram ads campaign:

The Top 7 Traits of Successful Marketing Leaders

Many believe that great leaders are born or rise to the occasion, but with such a need for leadership ever-present in business, government, and the NFP sector the question hangs, can great leaders be created?

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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