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The word ‘sustainability’ has almost become a buzzword. With an increasing consumer demand for sustainable practice within businesses, this term is being commonly used in the media. In some instances, perhaps it’s being used purely to capture the attention of the customer.

2021 has already involved a massive year of rebuilding and attempting to reset our economies while keeping safe from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. After such a shocking year, it’s hard to consider exactly how things will change in response to the pandemic and important global factors in the coming years. Luckily, we’ve compiled our list of 5 of the largest marketing megatrends for 2025, to get you up to speed.

Does your eco product, sell as well as your other brands? If not, it;s time to think about the way you market it.

Marketers and businesses are treating eco brands as ‘brand extensions’ the way Coke treats it’s Zero and Diet products.  But eco, green or ethical products cannot be treated in this way.  Coke’s eco plastic bottles still contain a beverage with a long list of health impacts – and people looking for healthy, sustainable alternatives will never reach for a bottled soft drink.

It’s no secret; marketers are driven by the satisfaction of when the product we are promoting sells.

But how often do we pause to consider the impact that product is having on the world - the people, the wildlife and the environment around us?

Each year I embark on a journey to rediscover myself, my business and my world. It may seem a little philosophical, but it's true.

I do this, not in a traditional way of going into a zone where you are by yourself and you spend time thinking and analysing, but by going away to conferences. In particular, entrepreneurial conferences.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.