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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

2021 has already involved a massive year of rebuilding and attempting to reset our economies while keeping safe from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. After such a shocking year, it’s hard to consider exactly how things will change in response to the pandemic and important global factors in the coming years. Luckily, we’ve compiled our list of 5 of the largest marketing megatrends for 2025, to get you up to speed.

5 Marketing Megatrends to Help Prepare your Business from Today to 2025


An E-Commerce Boom in the Developing World

Preceding the economic impact of COVID-19, the global investment in e-commerce was predicted to surge dramatically in not just Western but developing nations as well. SensorTower’s 2019 research report & forecast into the Apple store’s net global purchases indicated that net purchases were set to increase by 121% in Australia, New Zealand, and its southeast Asian neighbors, to a total value of $1.9 billion in transactions. More interestingly, however, was the sharp increase in South American & African economic predictions, with increases of 239% & 296%, consisting of $2.4 billion and $420 million in these markets respectively.

So, what does this mean for your business? The global transition towards digital marketplaces & communication channels means your products and services have a much wider base of prospective customers and access to a larger audience. Our advice in the coming years is to make the transition to social media (if you haven’t already) or boost your existing outreach while familiarising yourself with new technologies to help you get ahead. From now to 2025, businesses & marketing companies alike should be focussing on setting up their e-commerce stores and digital ad campaigns to fully capitalize on this shift.

Sustainable Business Practice & Climate Change

Following separate accounts from global organizations, national governments, and industry reports, the consensus on climate change and environmental sustainability are that temperatures are rising as a result of CO2 and at the current rate of consumption, the planet’s natural resources are dwindling. To address the growing concerns of businesses and consumers alike, brands that will excel in the near future are those that use their market power and influence to address issues of sustainability and add sustainable practices across the breadth of their supply chains.

As stated in Bloomberg, the owner of Google Alphabet inc. is tethering the bonuses of executives towards the achievement of sustainability goals, to make sure the organization is servicing the planet as a stakeholder, not just the people living on it. The focus for businesses in the present day to prepare for this shift is re-examining their offerings, re-evaluate their messaging criteria & communicating these changes to protect your brand and the planet for 2025.

Big Data Enters the Zettabyte era

By now you’ve likely heard about the importance of information & data storage, with increases in the capacity for companies to store gigabytes, petabytes, and even exabytes of data. But have you heard of a zettabyte? It was estimated that from the beginning of time to 2003 the human race had collectively created 5 exabytes of data according to former Google CEO Eric Schmidt. According to Schmidt, in 2013 it took the planet 2 days to replicate that information. Users are now collectively generating zettabytes, which to put it into perspective is one trillion (1,000,000,000,000) gigabytes.

By 2025, Frost & Sullivan’s ‘genius-world’ report estimates that machine learning & big data technologies will be able to utilize these massive amounts of information, which may be able to change the world and business as we know it with the creation of what philosophers call a “hard AI”. In order to prepare for incoming disruptions to traditional business models, we recommend the adoption & monitoring of emerging & established technologies, to make sure your business is ready for the Zettabyte era. 

Generational Demands of Offerings

In a B2B setting, utilizing the value of more traditional social media platforms like Facebook & LinkedIn are appropriate when marketing to other professional businesses. But in a B2C setting, Gen X’s, Millennials and ‘Zoomers’ are demanding more engaging video content on more optimized platforms like Tiktok.

Due to the platform’s current phase of adoption being moderate, there’s still time to make an entertaining, irreverent brand personality/employ the help of a user with those qualities. It’s important to jump in headfirst, as by 2025 it’s likely that this platform will likely mature, and momentum will be difficult to replicate as seen on platforms like Instagram. We’ve compiled a shortlist of tips on how you can best achieve this here.

Voice Search Renaissance 

Increased consumer accessibility to devices like Amazon Echo & Google home has brought with it, a massive shift in direction for search engine marketing through the utility of voice search technology. With projections of the market increasing to $26.79 billion in size by 2025, developments for computer speech & recognition, this element doesn’t only have huge implications for marketing opportunities, but for the need to transform existing processes.

The SEO & SEM principles will follow a highlander style of philosophy when it comes to voice search PageRank, as there “can be only one”. Marketing Eye, we advise using up-to-date technology & forward-thinking SEM & pay attention to developments in SEO & search engine algorithms.

Do you agree with our list? What are your marketing predictions for 2025? Let us know in the comments below!

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