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Companies are constantly looking for innovative ways to engage with their target audience and make their brand stand out. With the rise of remote work and virtual events, marketing presentations have become an essential part of any marketing strategy. That's where Airdeck comes in - an innovative platform that offers dynamic presentation capabilities, making it an ideal tool for marketers.

Airdeck's capabilities aren't limited to just marketing presentations. In fact, its features can be used across a range of departments, including HR and sales. Because of its adaptability, Airdeck is a wise investment for any business wishing to improve its presentation skills and expedite its communication procedures. With Airdeck, companies can create more interactive and engaging presentations that can track audience engagement and identify areas for improvement.

Knowing your audience when presenting your business is essential. In order to succeed at selling your company you need to know when to lay it on thick and when to back off. Different scenarios call for different sales pitches. Speaking to someone in the hallway versus a formal business meeting should not be approached in the same manner. It can be a huge turn off to a prospect when you are trying to over sell them right off the bat.
ipad1-300x225When ipads first came out… I was against it. I was so against this new piece of technology that I wrote a blog about it. I read the hype and was completely against people reading old fashioned books on a tablet of any kind whilst they were on holidays. I love books and am passionate about them being around long after the ipad has been superceded.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.