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Staying relevant in your industry is harder than ever. Every industry is overly saturated with companies fighting for the attention of their audience. Each company has its way of providing value, and it can be challenging to convince your customers that you provide a more valuable product than your competition. For this reason, you need to be able to set yourself apart from the rest of the pack to survive. Search engine optimization is a great strategy to not only maximize the visits to your website, but it can also keep your efforts relevant and competitive in a saturated market. Below, we have some of the ways that search engine optimization can benefit the marketing performance of your business.

Every year, businesses struggle to grow and generate revenue because there is no concrete marketing plan in place. Creating an annual strategy can set the tone and expectation for your marketing activities for the rest of the year, keeping your business focused on growth opportunities and bringing in sales. Strategies are built to help your business navigate the challenges and obstacles your industry is facing every day. Below, we have five steps that will help you to create an excellent marketing strategy.

Social media has transformed from a simple way to keep in touch with friends and family to become one of the primary tools at a marketer’s disposal. While it’s an important step to have social media channels set up for your business, it’s another thing to track the performance of those channels altogether. Simply posting on these channels isn’t enough to drive engagement anymore. Marketers need to be actively checking the performance of each channel to gain insight on how to optimize the content best and drive engagement. Social media analytics is the key to optimizing your social media strategy.

Sales are the lifeblood of any company. To keep sales thriving, and our business open, we need to implement strategies and plans that will promote a healthy selling environment. Equipping your team with the right approach will not only keep sales consistent, but it will also make them a better sales team altogether.

A marketing strategy is crucial for the health and strength of your business, but you need certain elements in place to track how effectively it’s working for you. Key performance indicators (KPI) measure precisely what’s working and what’s not working in your marketing efforts. If a marketing strategy is a map for your business, your KPIs are the pins in your map. There are numerous key performance indicators to consider when building a marketing strategy, and you will need to decide what works best for you. Below, we have four KPIs you should consider when making your marketing strategy.

Digitally savvy customers are expecting more from the companies that are trying to sell to them. It isn’t enough to offer a product they need – today’s customer is looking for a simple, intuitive solution to their complex problems. They know that while you may offer the product they need, there are at least 10 other companies who can provide that product as well. So how can marketers implement an advanced lead generation strategy to attract new leads? Below, we have 4 ways that businesses can improve their lead generation strategies to attract more leads.

Creating content is more than just writing and posting blogs to your company website. Once it goes to the website, it may or may not get read by your audience. Even if you are writing interesting, compelling blogs that are informing your audience on your team’s industry insights, your audience may not be reading them. It’s important to create content that’s not only informative but shareable. Below, we have four ways to create shareable content to attract your audience.

Understanding how public relations can benefit your brand is an essential step to improving the digital performance of your brand. Public relations methods and tactics have gone through some enormous changes throughout the years, and your PR professionals must be on the cutting edge of the best public relations strategies. By tapping into modern PR tactics, your team will have a better handle on shaping the public perception of your brand. Below, we have four ways to improve the public relations strategy for your organization.

Today’s consumer has more demands than ever about the user experience – they expect a more personalized, more consistent, and more relevant experience across the channels and devices that they use. This puts extra pressure on marketers to understand and deliver on these expectations, which requires an understanding of the customer and what they want. If you’re going to continue to engage with your current and future audience, you will need to create fresh, exciting, and emotionally engaging content.

Whether you are selling a product or a service, it’s intended for a specific group of customers, or a target market. But do you understand anything about that group of people? This where a target audience comes, which defines that group of people. A target audience is a group of consumers characterized by behaviors and specific demographics, and knowing your target audience can help to influence decision making for a marketing strategy. Finding your target audience takes a lot of work and research so that you can figure out who exactly you want to reach. Below, we have some tips on how to find your target audience.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.