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Attracting legitimate customers will take time and effort. We’re talking about the type of customers who genuinely want to incorporate your brand into their lives, and quite possibly, stay for the long haul. Fortunately, a great time and place to begin is today in the exact spot where you’re sitting.

The goal is to create quality content that provides

Among those who have already hopped onto the Instagram train, many have seen dramatically successful marketing results such as reaching untapped demographics, increasing app installations and boosting product awareness. A lot of these success stories derived from sharing stories on Instagram, particularly by way of InstaStory.

Today more so than ever, it has gotten increasingly harder to make a dent in a market if you weren't the first one there or had the most money. With accessibility to the public amplified to unimaginable proportions, companies are having to do a lot more the get marginal results. This difficult predicament that these companies are faced with is forcing them to find different avenues and tactics to stand out amongst the crowd, to be a light in a sea of darkness.

Last week I took a little trip to Bundaberg in regional Queensland, Australia for work. The town has 30k odd people but supports more than 100,000 people at any given time over the entire surround region.

Our client, a highly successful accounting and financial services firm, Ulton Group, needed a "Marketing Eye" to develop their 2015/2016 marketing strategy. I took the opportunity to fly up to Bundaberg because it was close to Easter and a great opportunity to catch up with family in the Sunshine Coast. 
A new financial year and already we are in day 4. Every end of financial year or start to the new year for that matter, is like a fresh start to many small businesses. It’s a time to re-think your strategy, re-invent your marketing programs and rejuvenate your team.
One of Australia’s leading experts on trading stocks is coming to Brisbane tomorrow for a once-only FREE SEMINAR to help Brisbane and Gold Coast residents learn more about trading shares.
I had a dream and it wasn’t to run the biggest company. It was to run a company that recreates the expectations of an industry and that is exactly what I am doing.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.