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Often, I post blogs that have been written on this site onto Linkedin Groups that are relevant to eithermarketing or entrepreneurs.

Most days, I share my experience as an entrepreneur with a growing international business, on the cusp of something that is hopefully "big" but also has hurdles along the way. Many of these hurdles are the best reminders on how to improve business processes and be a better leader and/or marketer, or just to grow a thicker skin.

Yesterday, an obvious up-and-coming competitor posted some quite offensive commentary on a Linkedin Group. I thought for a while as to whether I would just leave it or if it had an impact in the group which affected what the perception of our brand may be. To that end, I had to respond. I didn't get into the nitty gritty, but it was an overarching response. The idea of Linkedin Groups is to share ideas, interact, demonstrate thought leadership on various topics and meet people who may potentially have something worthwhile to say that may a) change your life, b) improve your knowledge, and/or c) give you a good laugh.

There is potential to misuse the Linkedin Groups platform in ways that it is not intended for, like pitching products and services through making comments on other peoples discussions or by putting down an obvious competitor. So here's a "share" from last night:
Daily I receive updates on Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin from people that have received publicity whether it is through an online blog or in the media sprouting how successful they are. The first couple of "pushes" of publicity, I applaud and genuinely think "good on that person". Then when it keeps coming in what can sometimes be "D-grade" versions of media that perhaps only a few people ever get to read, I start to think "oh, this person is looking for attention or needs people to think they are successful".

Which, might I add, may not be the case at all, but it is just my immediate perception if I don't know any better about the person.
This blog has been spurred by the many challenges in growing an international business leveraging  economies of scale and opportunities that are simply too good to pass by.

In the past week, I have been thinking alot about Linkedin. It has been the topic of many conversations and all for the right reasons. Daily I am asked about what social media mediums are best for b2b organizations and of course, there is no one answer because it depends entirely on a companies specific demographic, time constraints, strategy and of course, budget.

I wrote a blog on the value of Linkedin for small businesses and have spent quite a bit of time on this social media platform over past couple of days. It's interesting to see how people interact and reach out to each other. It is equally fascinating to see some people's comments that are purely self-serving or a bit over the top negative for no apparent reason.
Finding time to spend on social media networks is getting more difficult. There are so many to choose from, that at times, small businesses don't know where to start.

From time to time, re-evaluating which social media networks work best for your company and re-defining your strategy according to changes in features and functionality, can either leverage your business to new heights or create havoc with your sales cycle.

As a firm believer that "you cannot be everything to everyone", it makes perfect sense to spend time looking at the various analytics relating to social media, the demographics of each platform and how it applies to your target audience, brand authenticity and collaborations with clients and partners.

When it comes to b2b marketing, the decision on what social media networks to use and invest in becomes significantly easier.
By Christopher Niesche - smh.com.au

EVERY small business should have a prospect list - a database of existing and potential customers where the business can focus its marketing efforts.

But it needs to be more than just a list of names and email addresses. It has to contain people who are in the target market for your products.

Here are tips on how to build up a prospect list.

Google for Small Business

If you haven’t sent off your details to be included in the latest social network craze, Google , then you should do so – immediately!

With more than 25 million people joining in the first month, since its launch at the end of June, Google may very well, become the most successful social network of all time.

Thursday... not feeling well.

Friday... sick.
Saturday... sick.
Sunday... sick.

Now, why is this good for small business? On Thursday, it wasn't. On Friday, it wasn't, well, not until it was well and truly into the evening. Saturday and Sunday, it was.

When you are forced to STOP, it's impossible not to clear everything from your mind and get on with the job at hand, and that is getting well.

Meetings are missed, proposals are not sent, work is not completed. It really is a royal pain in the a***. BUT, this down time can be good for your small business. As a small business marketer, I try to absorb every possible item of advertising, marketing and public relations activity that crosses my path. There are millions of pieces day-in, day-out that I am confronted with. Of course, I don't take in everything, but I do try and absorb as much as possible and relate it back to the Marketing Eye client base.
road_success-300x225It’s time to get serious. Very serious! 

Each day, I will publish ways to improve your small business marketing that are simple, yet effective. By Friday, you will have 100 ways in which to promote your business better. If you have some ideas of your own, please comment and I will be happy to add them in. Thousands of people read Marketing Eye’s marketing blog each week, so any great ideas or experiences is greatly appreciated!
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.