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Today, September 27, 2019, everyone’s favorite search engine turned 21 years old. What began as a merely an idea, a paper published by Stanford PhD students Sergey Brin and Larry Page called “The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine”, has become a multibillion-dollar company and the most popular search engine by a wide margin. Not only is it a search engine, but Google has its own browser with its very own suite of services like Gmail, Google Docs, Sheets and cloud storage with Google Drive. In a matter of merely 21 years, Google has become the primary way that people search the internet. How did this happen? Now that Google is of legal drinking age in the US, let’s take a look at how they got where they are today.

I got about two whole hours of sleep last night. I laid in bed for hours and hours tossing and turning, my mind racing, thinking about a whole heap of things.

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