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One bad egg can now cripple a business. But not in my father's generation. That of course would never have happened. And so how the world has changed.

The poison that one person can throw on a company is insurmountable, all made by humans of course in the form of the internet. Yet, we all breathe faith into common sense as a whole and how one complainer, may in fact be the only one.

As a person who has employed hundreds of people in my career, I am always amazed at how some people stand out from the crowd, while other's don't.

In today's work environment where work-life balance seems to take precedence, and the millennials and gen-y are looking for more than their predecessors who were mainly happy to be gainfully employed and on a career path that funded their lifestyle - it appears that fewer employees are seeking to be outstanding. They are looking for more than just to be an outstanding employee, but rather a career that is fulfilling, balanced and with the right perks to help them get the outcomes financially they are looking for in their lifetime.

Now, this is not a bad thing. As you get older, you realize that you only live once. This new way of thinking and the younger generation putting life first and career second, can only benefit generations to come.

Where the real problem lies in the blurred line between how to advance your career or how best to maintain your status quo in the workplace.

We are 6 weeks into a new financial year. The market took a big nose dive last week causing many sleepless nights for people around the globe and housing prices are on the decline after a heated market that seemed to go for far too long effecting the sentiment of all consumers.

The Facebook's, Google's and Twitter's of the world, are rightly so, oblivious to any changes, because people are still flocking to their profitable billion dollar platforms that see the founders and investors laughing all the way to the bank. It's as if they won the lotto and the rest of us just keep putting our tickets in each week, in hope.

The IT industry is buying less hardware, says Andrew Thomas

It’s been a year of mixed fortunes for IT businesses.
0_0_200_http___i_haymarket_net_au_covers_crn_CRNMAYThomas Duryea CEO, Andrew Thomas, talks to CRN Magazine about how to build the largest independent, privately owned IT infrastructure company in Australia.
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