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In an omnichannel marketing approach, it’s all about creating a personalized and consistent customer experience, no matter what platform they are using to engage with your brand. This means that the experience should be consistent across all channels: social media, customer service, website, brick and mortar, and email campaigns. Email campaigns are especially important because they are at the center of your customer’s digital life and can drive the highest ROI among other digital communication channels. Below, we’ve got four benefits of email marketing in an omnichannel marketing approach.

Email might be considered an old-fashioned approach for your marketing efforts, but the truth is that a well-written email campaign can still be very powerful for your company. Because everyone accesses email on their smartphones, it’s become much easier to reach qualified leads with high-quality content. Recently, Marketing Eye and Robotic Marketer engaged in a discussion about email campaigns and how they can still be effective for what your company needs, which you can see here.

Email marketing is an effective way of keeping your audience informed on your product and it provides them with a line of communication straight to you. But consider how many emails you get on a day-to-day basis. What do these look like? How many do you read? To get better subscribers and more loyal readers, it’s important to have a strong email design. Below, we have six basic email design elements that will make your emails easier to read and look better.

Enterprise technology and software companies have to approach marketing from different angles than your typical marketing departments. It is constantly evolving, and we need to be certain that we’re utilizing tactics that generate results. The market is overly saturated for attention, with everyone pushing to get attention to their own companies. Here, we have four great ways to better market your tech company.

The market for email service platforms can only be defined as overwhelming. It seems as though a new email platform surfaces every day. Some are geared towards mom and pop stores while others are aimed at a robust enterprise level. So how do you find the right platform for your business? 

Email is an essential part of your marketing mix. It’s an easy, fairly inexpensive way to interact with your customers. A great way to maintain top-of-mind awareness to your potential clients is through a newsletter with a regular cadence, but is there the chance to generate profit from your newsletter? Kimberly Maceda of ActiveTrail has written 8 tricks on how to generate profit from your email newsletters.

As a business owner, marketing may not be your first priority, but it should be. Today, having a marketing plan for your business is as critical as having a phone number. 
An organically grown email list is key to a strong online presence. However, asking for someone’s email address can be tricky. I had personal experience requesting email addresses in a store and people treating me like I requested exclusive access to their first born child’s naming rights. Anyway, users are reluctant to just give out their email address when they first step foot on your site. They want to be certain they enjoy your content and find value in it. Below I will include a short list of useful lead gen tools to capture emails but first let’s go over a few polite ways to ask for users’ emails.
Planning a wedding is very stressful. Everyone you know has an opinion, anyone you talk to will give you advice, and your family, well… you know them, they fall into a category all on their own. There are so many things you need to get together, a venue, dress, photographer, food, cake, DJ or band, etc. Then you have to consider the wedding invitations. In putting together mine I approached it in a similar way I would approach an email campaign.
So you are planning on sending out an email campaign. You have been very focused on writing your copy, creating the perfect design and you are finally satisfied that it will receive an AMAZING click through rate and a TERRIFIC open rate. What if the email never reaches your audience’s inbox? They will never get to see all your beautiful work. :( [space height="HEIGHT"]
We all get spam. [space height="HEIGHT"]
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.