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The question is often asked of our people at Marketing Eye : "What do you do that other marketing firms don't?". And the answer is quite simple.

While other's are now using the term "outsourced marketing department", few have actually defined it quite like we have at Marketing Eye. After 24 years in the industry, I have learned a lot from both succeeding and failing. From these learnings, I have developed a series of systems, processes and ways in which to improve our capability of delivering world-leading marketing strategies to businesses seeking a high growth return.

The difference is from start to finish

Do you really want to know why Marketing Eye opened a Dallas, Texas office? 

I could say that we did extensive marketing research, or perhaps that we had an opportunity to sell a Marketing Eye license for our brand, so we took it. Both would be wrong. Here's the reason why.

We did research but it took 5 minutes 13 seconds
Late fall, I started the process of selling my Dallas-based  business that I've built for the past seven years.  The difficult thing was not putting the business up for sale, but telling my employees.  Many have been with me since the early years and have been my support as my business has grown. 

As I made a personal call to each employee this week, I was pleasantly surprised by their reaction.  Most were not disappointed that I was selling as they saw this as a natural progression in my career.  They were disappointed that they would no longer be working for me.  This made me think, what did I do right that made them feel this way, and can I do it again as I build a new staff at my next business.
Dallas isn't all cowboy hats, beef and oil tycoons - its one of the world's most innovative cities and after reading an article on bizbeatblog recently where 3 companies from Texas was named in Thomson Reuters' 2014 Top 100 Global Innovators list, I have realized just how innovative Texans are.

Dallas' Texas Instruments Inc, has leveraged the fast moving world of technology, focusing on innovation as the key ingredient to the company's growth. 

Last year Texas Instruments launched new technology that sends vibrations from a smartphone to a smart watch when an email comes in. They have also developed a switch-controlled outdoor shower that uses little water and a talking toilet.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.