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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

Generating More Engagement with Your Social Media

Content is created for the sole purpose of educating and engaging your audience. You don’t write blogs, develop a product video or even update your company’s Facebook page for yourself. These things are done to drive your brand, to get the attention of people who have a problem that you can solve. But what if you’re having trouble generating engagement with your content? There is always the possibility that you might have to rework your content, but it could just be that no one sees it. Social media builds relationships with your customers and puts your information right in front of them. Below, we have several ways to use social media to increase audience engagement with your brand.

Setting Personal and Professional Goals

Do you have your goals in place for 2020? What about the rest of the year? It’s important to define what you want to accomplish, whether it’s in your personal or professional life. Taking an objective look at where you want to be and how you want to get there is the best way to achieve something.

Building an Effective B2B Marketing Team

Are you building a marketing team? To build an effective B2B marketing team that can deliver what your company needs, you need to know exactly what you’re looking for. Every sports team has a specific person in a specific position. Otherwise, your team loses the game. Marketing works just like this! But it’s not as easy to know what you’re looking for when you’re in a B2B marketing environment. Below, we have some outlines of specific people you should look for to build your brand.

How to Market a Tech Company

Enterprise technology and software companies have to approach marketing from different angles than your typical marketing departments. It is constantly evolving, and we need to be certain that we’re utilizing tactics that generate results. The market is overly saturated for attention, with everyone pushing to get attention to their own companies. Here, we have four great ways to better market your tech company.

5 Simple Ways to Get a Pay Raise

While everyone would appreciate a pay raise, it doesn’t always arrive when we want it to. If you feel like you’re getting passed over for raises or promotions, it might feel easy to blame corporate, accounting or whoever’s closest. But are you looking at the quality of your work? A healthy bit of introspection is good for all of us, and you might be surprised at what you find. Below, we have five simple ways to get a pay raise. You might find something new!

Personalisation is Changing the Face of Marketing

Marketing is always changing. There are always new processes, new technologies or even new approaches to marketing practices. But there is one approach that is not only changing marketing, but it’s also changing how audiences respond to our efforts. Personalisation is radically affecting the way that we project our message to the public, allowing our team to open and connect with the audience in an emotional, empathetic way to drive sales.

Attracting and Empowering New Employees

Hiring new employees is a time-consuming process. Not only are you trying to find the skillset to fit the position, but you also need the right personality to fit the office. Many companies have the candidates go through several steps in the interview process to make a more informed decision on the applicant.  Studies show that it takes an average of 27 working days to acquire a new employee, and most of the top talent will be off the market by then. But this is a very important process, and it’s important to know why and how you are attracting candidates.

Building Your Company LinkedIn Page

Does your company have a LinkedIn page? If so, how often is it updated? LinkedIn might be the first impression that people have of your company, and a great LinkedIn page makes a really good impression with any potential leads that might be looking for your information. Consider LinkedIn as an extension of your website, making sure all the information is clean, up to date and understandable. Below, we have four elements that will your company’s LinkedIn page look professional and inviting to prospective leads.

How B2B Marketing Has Changed

The way that we market our businesses will always be evolving. In the last few years, B2B marketing has drastically evolved as the buyers have more access to more information. Years ago, people were attracted by ads for a product, which generated interest in that product. So, they would go and purchase that product based on the information they were given. Now, people have access to all the information that they could ever need, so the buying journey has changed. It’s less of a linear journey and more of a collection of moments that will influence the purchase of a product. Because of this, marketing must evolve. Below are four great strategies that your B2B marketing team should embrace in their processes.

How to star in your own podcast

You’ve heard a great podcast and have an idea to lead your own. If you are unfamiliar with the podcast realm, here’s a short overview of how to star in your own podcast and get started.

Transform your SEO keyword strategy

When’s the last time you’ve searched on Google and clicked beyond the first 10 websites, or even the first results page? Keywords that are most relevant to a potential customer’s search will lead your business to their vision (or search results page) first.

Daily blogging is easier than you think. Start off with taking notes to create an outline of the bigger picture.

Attracting legitimate customers will take time and effort. We’re talking about the type of customers who genuinely want to incorporate your brand into their lives, and quite possibly, stay for the long haul. Fortunately, a great time and place to begin is today in the exact spot where you’re sitting.

The goal is to create quality content that provides

Tell your InstaStory like this

Among those who have already hopped onto the Instagram train, many have seen dramatically successful marketing results such as reaching untapped demographics, increasing app installations and boosting product awareness. A lot of these success stories derived from sharing stories on Instagram, particularly by way of InstaStory.

Why companies want to outsource their marketing arm

Companies are blasting promotions and announcements in every banner, sidebar, post and corner of the internet. So you can figure it is not the best idea to expect a few searches on Google to provide substantial assistance for business marketing. As marketing continues to evolve alongside the digital revolution rapidly, crafts are designated to their specialists to meet customized needs and audiences.

The ABCs of ABM

The ABCs of ABM

Jul 02, 2019 Written by

Last year in the United States Ad spending reached  $151 billion, almost a 5% jump from the year before. It is widely known amongst the marketing community that complacency is the same as regression, so not only is there an urge to spend more on marketing, but also to spend it differently. 

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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