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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

Being in love…

Feb 09, 2011 Written by
heart-imageWell, tragically, I can’t remember the last time I was truly in love and with Valentine’s Day around the corner, I realise just how much I miss that feeling.
The-marketing-eye-gals-300x225On Sunday, I attended the launch of Smith’s on Bayswater brunch menu. It was a very hot morning, but with a bellini and a bloody mary made with fresh tomato’s, the weather was the last thing on my mind.
ipad1-300x225When ipads first came out… I was against it. I was so against this new piece of technology that I wrote a blog about it. I read the hype and was completely against people reading old fashioned books on a tablet of any kind whilst they were on holidays. I love books and am passionate about them being around long after the ipad has been superceded.
Whether you are a small company or a large one, you and your team can do better. If you look at the best companies in the world, they always invest in training their staff and in particular, their managers.
[Picture] Marketing Manager – Melbourne $70k plus fantastic bonuses

Ever feel that you have a little more in you even after you have given something all you have got?
nose2-300x234What a week – actually, what a month!

It’s been a very big start to the new year and in many ways I am incredibly grateful. Business is booming and opportunities are out there for the taking. I have also given myself a new role in the company that I love so much – Marketing Eye.
iphone-14-jan-2011-004-245x300Thinking about where you business is heading in 2011 and want to increase the value of your company? Each year, I pull out of my library Verne Harnish’s ‘Mastering the Rockefeller Habits’ to re-think my business strategy and develop some smart systems within the business to increase its value.
Sydney-Street-Ferry-Terminal-New-Farm-12-01-11-300x225Donate your time to rural and regional Queenslanders who have lost their homes and businesses/jobs during the Queensland Floods.
straussartlosangeles-300x200My marketing and creative teams are sitting around this afternoon having a chat about what comes up on google and what does not. I of course, with my extensive experience with marketing websites to ensure that they are number one on google or at the very least on page one, have skited that I can make any term a winner.

The date from hell!

Jan 12, 2011 Written by
Have you ever been on a date from hell? Unfortunately, I have to say I have been on a few, but that tends to go with the territory if you are in your 30’s and single
me-300x12013 January 2010

Hon. Anna Bligh, MP

Premier of Queensland
The Queensland Floods are the worse since 1974 with 10 dead, 5 of whom are children, and more than 90 people missing.
The floods in Northern Australia are devastating. Having come from Queensland and with much of my family in the devastated areas, I think it would be remis of me not to look at how this natural disaster is affecting not only ordinary people, but business people as well.
screen-facebook-300x168Like many of my friends, clients and colleagues, I have a facebook page. I use it to keep in contact with friends and of course for marketing. Before I had an iphone, I hardly ever checked my facebook page and would often give my password to friends who liked to know who was up to what, but didn’t want to succumb to the social media revolution.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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