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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

Bang for your buck

Bang for your buck

Oct 19, 2011 Written by
(BRW, the Marketing Issue, Oct 20-26, 2011)

It needn’t take a huge budget to market a business. All it takes is time and little forethought. Report: Georgina Dent

Many years ago a manager commented off the cut that Marketing Eye Chief executive Mellissah Smith “worked in sales”. Smith was irritated by the description until she decided he’d made a valid point. “I was quite annoyed about him saying marketing was the same as sales but they actually do go hand in hand,” she says. “Marketing creates the forum for sales to occur.”
Marketing Consultants Suck!
You heard it! They suck!

They know stuff...but not enough stuff to be totally across the entire marketing mix ensuring that they are 100% of the time working in the best interests of the small business that they are working for.
Vision, Plan, Execute... Or You Won't Survive
Last night I had dinner with a good friend of mine. He is one of the smartest people I know in business. He is not only academical, but very street smart.

I talked in length about the next stage of Marketing Eye's business. That is, expansion into the US, selling rights for the company in Europe and basically becoming a truly global player in small business marketing. No else seems to be taking the lead, so it may as well be me.
Website design needs to be on-brand

Case Study: BrightLine Solutions Atlanta

Marketing Eye Atlanta was recently engaged by BrightLine Solutions in Atlanta to re-develop their rather new website incorporating more services, social media and a different look and feel.

The company is based in both Atlanta and New York and was founded by serial entrepreneur Christy Brown. Specialising in Information Technology, Embedded Software Engineering, Accounting and Finance, Christy has paved a niche in her market and delivered a service that is both professional and unsurpassed by any of her competitors.

The more one realises that by listening to others you will learn more than you could ever imagine - the more successful you will become.
As an advocate for Twitter and someone who has benefited immensely in terms of sales and following from this platform, I have to say yesterday was a very sad day in our relationship.
Learning valuable lessons
This morning on the way to work, I walked next door from my building to get coffee. As always, I took my dog. She was not on a leash as we live next door to the building in which we work and she is well trained. Or at least I thought so.
Google Plus or is that Minus?

Where is everyone?

It appears that I may have been a bit off the mark in a previous article. I claimed that Google Plus’ entry into online social media would spell the sudden demise of Facebook. At this point in time that appears to be false. It has become apparent that social media supremacy will come after a long struggle rather than the quick and clean coup reminiscent of the Facebook takeover of MySpace that I predicted.

Spend time fishing, not fixing
I don't know about you... but there is nothing more frustrating than when you are at home on the weekend trying to do something on your computer and it crashes. Not only does it crash... it burns. Viruses, technical problems - you name it, it happens when you least need it to happen.
Steve Jobs, we will always remember you
He was number one on my bucket list and he someone I don't think a week went by without me mentioning him in conversation or thinking about how I could learn more from the way he operated.

His book was on my bedside table alongside a book written about how he presents to an audience and engages them like no other.

My bucket list had him down as the person I would most like to do work experience for. Sadly, this will never happen.
How to make $1million out of a mobile marketing campaign
Today I had a meeting with mobile marketing guru Dipen Patel from an innovative bluetooth and wifi mobile marketing company, SpidaNet.

Being an avid adopter of new technologies and in particular integrated marketing campaigns, I can assure you, I held on to his every word.
The best destination in the world
When you work hard, it's important to make sure you reward yourself.

People reward themselves in many different ways like buying a new dress, a watch, a new car or a holiday.

To make it as a successful marketing manager, there are many traits that you need to have. It no longer is just about understanding and delivering in a marketing capacity, but more importantly being able to understand the fundamentals of business and have an ability to execute the company’s business plan from a sales and marketing perspective.

The smarter they are... the more you will learn
If you read my blog regularly, you may recall that travel is something that I am not only passionate about, but I take fairly seriously.

I have travelled the world-over with friends, on conferences and for business, visiting the most amazing places including Turkey, Dubai, Barcelona and more recently Amsterdam.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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  • Our addresses:
    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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