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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

Social media has hit a new high. It no longer is something that businesses can think about including as part of their marketing strategy. It now is something NO BUSINESS can afford to not include.

During the week, I had a conversation with another provider for one of our clients. They are basically graphic designers who have done the odd website development. From my conversations with them, I am almost certain that the website developer is either a freelancer or a graphic designer who has learned to use Wordpress. There are some things that are really obvious in the work they have just completed.

Excuse me!

Sep 07, 2012 Written by
As I hustled for my spot in line for a delayed flight, I became slightly overwhelmed by the crowd that had gathered around vying to get their place in line after waiting for hours for the flight to be called.

People were pushing each other and bumping their bags and briefcases into the person beside them, concerned that they would lose their position in line. You know how it is when everyone wants to get to the front of a line, and there is always some person who rudely is pushing their way to the top with no regard to anyone else.
Social networks are exciting. There is no mistaking their worth when it comes to promoting a brand to a wider audience just by a few clicks of the button.

Sales representatives are gushing with feverish enthusiasm for social networks with an influx of inquiries and direct contact with people that they may have had to in the past beg the reception to put them through.

Now, they can make the fastest sale of their careers, just by connecting with someone on linkedin and sharing a slideshare of what they have to offer followed by a link for ordering.

It's as simple as that.

CEO's of big organisations can be directly tweeted to and engaged with in a matter of seconds. Say something worthwhile and all of a sudden, you have a relationship with who you want to do business with.

Having said this, its the younger generation that has taken up using social media to connect that has left their older, more mature counterparts for dead.

While their are risks with being 'out there' for the world to see, the reward is far greater.

Understanding why and how to engage with today's social business environment starts with recognizing the changes in buyers' behavior. With social networks now accounting for 15% of internet visits (Source: Experian Marketing Services) in the US and Twitter joining the over 100 million user mark, 55% of buyers turn to social media when they're searching for information.

Social media is here to stay and sales teams are the big winners along with the pockets of business owners. It's more cost effective, efficient and meaningful than any other platform other than real life relationship. So get tweeting and starting connecting.
Today is my birthday. I have finally turned 39, a number that I have been using for quite some time, just to get use to it.

I woke up unexpectantly at 3am and have stayed awake ever since. Instead of going back to sleep, I looked out my window and soaked up the view of the parkland. I don't think I have ever seen it at 3am before. It was beautiful, peaceful and the perfect setting to the start of a new year in my life.
14,090 Twitter Followers To Chat To
It's a number that interests me. Not because it is large, nor because it says that we are not average. 126 is average according to Twitter, and we have certainly surpassed that - I think in the first day of joining.

The reason it interests me is because there are 14,090 tweeters to talk to - if I feel compelled to do so. That is a lot of people. Sure it is not like the millions our celebrity friends have nor is it like the supposed "guru's" with 50k plus, but it is a number that signifies a positioning that has allowed Marketing Eye to gain traction online and have real "conversations" with people who have or may become clients and/or friends.

Two weeks ago, we made $79,000 worth of sales derived from connections made via Twitter.
The first rule for a service provider is to provide a solution to a clients "problem". Right?

When a small business owner finds the need to "outsource" any area of their business, they tend to consult with their friends, employees, other service providers and in general key influencers, as to who that new service provider should be. Then they interview them, and if the connection is right, they hire them.
What small business owners can learn from the young guns in the office
I have spent a few hours sitting around the boardroom table with three of our finest young creatives and writers. It's Friday afternoon and everyone is getting a bit restless. The week has been exhausting, action packed and high creative. I think everyone is ready to head home and relax for the weekend.

I get so much from the young men and women that work for Marketing Eye. They each have an individual story that is unique and they all have travelled so far to get to where they are today. Not just geographically, but emotionally and spiritually.

So, I posed the question: Tell me something that I don't know about you:

Rin, our crazy, fashionista who originates from Thailand and is the fastest, most creative graphic designer I have known:

"I grew up in Bangkok and I am an only child. I moved here when I was 16 years old by myself and I have always been on my own. I picked up English from my friends at school and am still today, trying to improve my speech."

What inspires you: interior design.

Manel, our cute as a button, illustrator/artist/graphic designer, who always brings with him a delicious lunch:

"I have a gigantic family. On my mother's side she has 10 brothers and sisters. Father's side four brothers and sisters. I am close to all of our extended families. Our family is scattered all over the globe, Philippines, Amsterdam, Germany and America. Every Xmas we each do a performance with every member of the family getting up and performing.  I get up and dance or intimitate a celebrity with a skit. It's funny and entertaining."

Chloe, our Brisbane Marketing Eye, is cheeky and is always picking up after me:

"I love to rock climb and have gone done 10 canyons already. I also went to eight different high schools and still passed!"

What inspires you: street art

What small business owners can learn from the young guns in the office
I have spent the past few hours sitting around the boardroom table with three of our finest young creatives and writers. It's Friday afternoon and everyone is getting a bit restless. The week has been exhausting, action packed and highly creative. I think everyone is ready to head home and relax for the weekend.
Do we all wake up the same way?
I am not sure about today. You know, when you wake up and your sleep wasn't particularly restful, then you go to work and for a second, you have to remember why you are actually there.

Can your clients find you?
A company has a problem. They don't like their accountant. Their financial planner just got hit by a bus. The business just got a lot bigger and now they need some HR advice. They don't have a marketing person per se and the owner knows that they are not going anywhere without someone focusing on the company's brand and lead generation campaigns to support their sales team.

The problem has been identified. It now needs a solution. So, what's next? They look for one.


First, they think about who they know. It use to be a case of people they have met or friends of friends, but now there is a not so new revolution to add to the equation. Social media.

Social Media

In the past two weeks we have made almost $200,000 from our social media accounts. It's because companies that we may not have met face to face, but know us through social media and in particular, twitter, linkedin and the company blog, have a problem and the first person they have made contact with is the person they "know" online. You know the one. The person that continually reinforces their expertise in a particular field through showcasing their knowledge, case studies, influence and opinions.

Social media is likened to the old-fashion term "farming" because it takes time, but the investment is worth it in the end if you do all the right things. Farming makes it easier for clients to find you and relate to you and your business. Social media has provided a short-cut in the farming process  but be assured that "farming" is not "prospecting". It is relationship building and you have to be willing to give more than you get.

So, remember next time you go to write on your twitter account that you went out and got totally trashed, but the next day want to be the consumate professional accountant who is looking for new business opportunities that your lifestyle choices may not be what your clients are looking for in a service provider.
Qantas, you are the reason we fly
Qantas is running an international campaign "you are the reason we fly" and I am quite impressed by their agency's work on this campaign.
I am not sure about you, but Jodie Foster is one of my all time favourite actresses. For me, she is an actress with integrity, talent and professionalism. Never has she sold her soul for a role and she is always the first to stand up for her friends. First it was Mel Gibson, then it was Robert Downey Jnr and now it is Kristen Stewart.

The latter, is the most fascinating, because she has taken the unprecedented step of writing an article about her thoughts on the way the media is behaving. Not only do I thoroughly agree with article published in The Daily Beast, I am also impressed by her articulate writing skills. I would place her in the upper echelons of professional writers and in the article she has been able to communicate clearly just how hard it is for someone as young as Kristen Stewart to live in the fishbowl of super-stardom.

What do you think?
I don't know about you, but egomaniacs scare the 'b'jesus out of me'. I am terrified of them, but still I find myself sucked into their web of soul destroying destruction.

As much as they are charming, good at 'selling a story' and surrounded by people, they are manipulative, obsessive and bullies.
There are many studies out there that confirm that there is a direct correlation between how successful a company is and how well they use social media.

We also know that brands can profit dramatically from a well executed social media strategy backed by a campaign that is creative and has the audience in mind.

So, why then do marketers continue to ignore the fact that certain days of the week and times of the day, are not as effective as others when it comes to executing a social media campaign.
After having an issue the other week with a man that quite simply told me a bunch of lies that were completely untrue and then spent the next few days after realising that I found out, covering his tracks, I was in good need of my  friends. It's amazing what people do when they are caught out lying. They have to tell lies to cover lies unless they are man enough to own up to what they have lied about which most people, including myself, am fairly forgiving. It's when they lie, then have to make up stories to cover them, that it gets out of control and becomes a drama that quite simply, it does not need to be. But friends, they are great levelers. They tell you how it is and always put things in perspective. Unfortunately, in life, there will always be people that can't help themselves with lying and they will do crazy things and say complete crap, in order to try and make themselves look and feel better. It's quite sad really... but as you get older, you realise that there will always be people who disappoint you. Rising above it, is important for your soul as much as it is for the situation.

When you run a small business, it can be lonely, but life can be even lonelier when you travel every week interstate and overseas and only ever seem to see the insides of a hotel room or the office.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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