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What a crazy day to arrive in LA!!! I hopped off the plane in Los Angeles, headed straight for the Mondrian Hotel, changed then had a meeting with a businessman from Houston (www.mycityrocks.com), then met up with some other friends to head to LA Magazine's Wine and Food Festival at Saddlerock Ranch.

What a day! First we arrive in what is clearly the most exciting ranch I have ever seen. Not only do they have Zebra's and Camels, they have acres of vineyards with some of California's finest grapes.

I spent the day enjoying the exquisite view, good wine and delicious food, while meeting the wine makers and other successful business people who attended the function.

One of my good friends, The Food Stalkers very own Sandie Ward, covered the LA Magazine event, videoing the many eateries showcasing their food and the wineries who had their beste wines on display.

We talked about social media and the importance of offline and online marketing in any marketing strategy. The Food Stalker is one of my favourite blogs. Sandie brings alot of her personality into the blogs and really has a knack as a world-class entertainer whom I frequently liken to a nicer version of Gordon Ramsay.

Los Angeles is full of small business owners and a great destination for any Australian company to set up if they are looking to expand into the US. There is a certain vibrance when you talk to business people in LA, but be careful to do a background check - afterall, it is Hollywood!
What started out as a trip to meet some friends of mine to celebrate the Fourth of July in Dana Point, has ended in one of the most inspiring 24 hours that I have had in a long time.

You never know who you may meet, just by turning up.

While I love to catch up with good friends and share experiences, I am a believer that 'everything happens for a reason' and if you open yourself up to possibilities, then you will enrich your life in more ways than you have ever imagined.

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