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In today's world, it's hard to imagine life without our smartphones. We use them for everything from staying in touch with friends and family to managing our finances to finding our way around unfamiliar cities. So, it's no surprise that businesses use mobile marketing to reach their target audience. 

Why are we talking about mobile marketing? It is changing the way consumers interact with brands and consequently vice versa. Virtually, everything is accessible on mobile today, from e-books to e-commerce. This means consumers can constantly interact with your brand irrespective of their location. To illustrate, customers don’t necessarily need a laptop to read emails or conduct online shopping. And neither need to sit in front of a television to get entertained or watch the news.

Here are the challenges and opportunities of mobile marketing that you should know

What does the future of marketing look like? The marketing industry is constantly changing in the face of several different challenges, and marketers should be prepared to change with it. Staying ahead of trends is never an easy job, but it makes a huge difference in preparing for the future. As we move further into 2021, take the time to establish what your marketing priorities should be and what steps you can take to meet each priority in the years to come.

I would tell you that mobile marketing is the future of marketing, but the age of smartphones has already arrived. According to a recent survey by Demand Gen Report, in 2018, 66% of B2B buyers strongly agree that companies should make it easier to access their content. Utilizing mobile marketing within your overall marketing strategy can be an advantage towards your business as it uses a combination of marketing channels to connect with your audience through their mobile devices, and generate leads.

Did you know that around the world, people purchase a mobile phone subscription before almost any other product? Literally after people have fed and supplied shelter for their families, their next priority is having a cell phone.
When was the last time you watched an entire TV program without looking at your phone?

Can't remember? Don't worry, you're not alone. Deloitte’s multigenerational State of the Media Democracy survey polled more than 2000 consumers and found that more than 80 per cent of American consumers are multi-tasking while watching TV. This includes texting, streaming video, social networking and web browsing. And yes, live-tweeting a TV show or movie counts as well.

On top of that, 26 per cent of consumers own a laptop, smartphone and tablet, making them digital omnivores. Tablet ownership alone has jumped by 177 per cent in the past year.

Today I had a meeting with mobile marketing guru Dipen Patel from an innovative bluetooth and wifi mobile marketing company, SpidaNet.

Being an avid adopter of new technologies and in particular integrated marketing campaigns, I can assure you, I held on to his every word.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.