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The buyer's journey has shifted, and it is progressing even more. People are now using web searches and social platforms to influence how they purchase products in today's market.  With the help of our cellphones, tablets, and computers, we are all digital consumers. Because of this, we now have more information at our fingertips, a better understanding of how customers interact with brands, and an idea on what leads someone to make purchases.

Online consumers have evolved, and so has their journey. Promotion within your company isn't going to cut it anymore. Why? At this day and age, customers can now research on their own and may not need assistance from a company until they are ready to take the next step, purchasing a product or service. Since buyers wish to govern their discovery process, it is your job to use the right tactics to guide them towards your business.

Instagram Stories are often glorified for their social attraction as a way for people to express themselves. You might be asking yourself, can your company's content work on a social platform that leans more toward being creative and informal? Of course, it can, the "B" in B2B doesn't stand for "boring" and one-third of the most viewed Instagram Stories are from businesses.

Even though you're a business that posts more professional based content, there are still a few ways to leverage one of Instagram’s most popular tools to increase your engagement, build brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, and generate sales.

In just a short amount of time, podcasting has grown from being a small part of media to one of the most popular methods of consuming information today. Podcasts have become an essential part of our everyday lives that even some B2B marketers have look towards incorporating podcast into their marketing strategy.

Every great digital marketer knows that the use of hashtags can considerably increase the social visibility of any business looking to improve their brand awareness and get there messaging in front of their target audience. Not only do hashtags allow you to find relevant content from other people and businesses, but they also enable content from your business to be discoverable and shared across your social media channels. When used correctly, hashtags can support your businesses sales and lead generation efforts, but, often people forget to value quality over quantity when it comes to effectively using hashtags. 

Key Performance Indicators (or KPIs) is a measurement that will directly affect your marketing objectives. In other words, they are the most important values for understanding your markets influence to achieve a successful business. There are several KPIs that will give you a clear picture of which content actually resonates with your audience. In this blog post, we are looking at which KPIs you should track; this will help you create more compelling content that will help you execute a great content marketing goal.

It is almost impossible to say how important it is to have a strong social media marketing plan. Content strategy is based on the media that your company creates; this can consist of visual or written content. Content is the piece of your marketing plan that continuously expresses what your company is, why you are the leading specialist within your industry, and why your target audience should purchase a product and/or service from your company. Here are some tips on how to craft a successful content marketing strategy.

What exactly is organic reach on Facebook? Organic reach is the number of potential customers who see your content without paid distribution; on the other hand, paid reach includes people who view your content due to paid promotion. You can make Facebook an efficient channel for your organic content and reach a wider audience with these 5 essential tips.

Digital technology has been one of the key factors in shaping the marketing industry over the past year. And as marketing evolves, other service and goods-producing industries must adjust their marketing practices to keep up. 

I'm binge watching The Good Wife. I feel almost guilty to say this out loud, but I am and for years I have avoided it because the name of the show and the images they used to sell it didn’t pique my interest.

You've made it, but what's next. You are a marketing manager with 10 to 15 years experience and all of a sudden you are wondering where do you go from here.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.