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As technology progresses rapidly and consumer expectations shift, companies are increasingly scrutinizing their relationships with marketing agencies. The dynamic business scene now demands agility, innovation, and a fresh perspective – qualities that some agencies are failing to deliver. This has led many businesses to reconsider their external partnerships in marketing.

Let’s explore 6 key reasons behind this growing trend.

Aged care is evolving rapidly, and facilities must adopt comprehensive and dynamic marketing strategies to stay competitive and relevant. The importance of a strong online presence cannot be overstated in this digital age, as more families turn to the internet to find suitable care options for their loved ones.

This blog will explore essential marketing strategies that can help aged care facilities enhance their visibility and engagement.

Scaling campaigns successfully is a paramount objective for businesses aiming to reach broader audiences and achieve substantial growth in the world of marketing. To embark on this ambitious journey, marketers must navigate a complex landscape of strategies, tools, and variables that can make or break their efforts.

It isn't uncommon for businesses to invest a lot of their resources into marketing activities and not see results. Many business owners find that their marketing campaigns are not producing the results they initially anticipated, and this ultimately comes down to the marketing strategy they have created. Many business owners have wasted valuable resources on tactics that simply do not work. Therefore, ensuring a solid marketing strategy is in place is crucial.

We’ve all done it. You know – got so busy that we forgot that the saying “hello” to our team just doesn’t cut the mustard.

One of the biggest topics that clients are talking to our marketing agency about today is how they can use marketing to better communicate to their people and help manage them in a way that everyone remains on the same page and grows from the experience.

A good website is much more than a digital storefront. While brick-and-mortar storefronts have slowly been phasing out, a customized website shouldn’t merely replace your physical location. A comprehensive, customized website should tell the story of your product, your brand, and your company in a way that draws in your audience and sells them on the experience you provide. Every company has a story that deserves to be told, and a company website is one of the greatest storytelling opportunities that a company has. Marketing Eye has successfully designed, developed, and managed over 300 websites and counting.

Outsourcing your marketing department might be the best decision that you can make for your business. Not only does it dramatically reduce your expenses, but it frees up your time to focus on the day-to-day details of your business. But how do you find a marketing agency that’s the right fit for your company? Before you decide on your marketing agency, take the time to do some work on the front-end of things. When you’re looking for the perfect fit, it’s important to know exactly what you want to accomplish, what services the agency offers, and their track record with other companies.

Every week I meet with owners, executives, and managing directors of small businesses from across the US. In these meetings lay the ultimate battle of value. Will I get enough ROI? Do they have enough on-hand talent to handle what they promise? Are they credible and transparent? Do we get along?

Marketing Eye puts an incredible amount of effort into delivering world-class marketing strategies to our clients. We have invested heavily in research and development, and of course, developing the world's first Robotic Marketer. 
In every industry there are general best practices as it comes to how to perform certain tasks. However, due to technological advances, innovation has evolved into a much more powerful and fast moving obstacle. Every industry is being challenged both annually, quarterly, and even monthly to keep up with the times, maintaining competitive standards with the competition. So what does this mean for not just marketers, but everyone?
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.