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Hotjar is a company with a global team that serves customers all around the world, with a mission dedicated to helping people make websites their users love. Hotjar is now rebranding itself in all aspects, with a focus on having immediate recall from consumers, users, and the public when they view the name “Hotjar” itself.

A commercial version of Marketing Eye magazine is now complete. It has been a long road and took almost six months to make it publishing ready, but after losing a bit more hair and seeing the ones that I have left go grey (almost), it was worth the effort.

In putting Marketing Eye magazine together, I have learnt a great deal about marketing, about the client services sector and about staying the course, even when the Tough Mudder founders seem to have come along and put insurmountable obstacles in my path.*
sofie-essjai-300x200Last night I attended the launch of Essjai’s new range of jewellery. Over 100 people attended an exclusive launch in Malvern, Victoria, which included a fashion parade and well-known journalist, Martine Griffiths from Channell 10 giving a keynote speech about her travels as a journalist. 

Women are embracing the ‘party plan’ jewellery industry, whereby they can view stunning pieces in the comforts of a home with friends over a cup of coffee or a glass of champagne.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.