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Christmas is arguably the busiest time of the year and the biggest booster of annual revenue for brands. It is essential that you market effectively and efficiently during this holiday season, as ‘people are primed to spend money because they are either doing last-minute shopping or are preparing for the year to come and researching which brand they should give business to’. Ensuing from the past year of isolation and lockdowns, the general consensus among marketers and consumers is to start the festive season sooner rather than later and to ‘go bigger’ than ever before. Follow this ultimate guide to marketing during this Christmas period and ensure your brand is benefiting from the increased opportunity for sales during this season.  

On Monday, I had a sigh of relief… only a couple more days in the office finishing off stuff that should have been completed last week.

The year end is near and I personally can’t wait. It has been one of the most exciting and exhilarating years ever from a business perspective and from a personal front, one of the most challenging.

In the business I have learnt a lot, launched new products, entered new markets and been inspired continually by the people I work with – in particular, the small businesses that I call ‘friends’ but may also be called clients to the outside world.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.