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Each year I embark on a journey to rediscover myself, my business and my world. It may seem a little philosophical, but it's true.

I do this, not in a traditional way of going into a zone where you are by yourself and you spend time thinking and analysing, but by going away to conferences. In particular, entrepreneurial conferences.
A group of Queensland Entrepreneurs and myself travelled to Nashville 2 weeks ago to see local businesses and innovation in the region.

Marketing Eye is looking for 10 Melbourne and 10 Sydney companies that are in a startup or small business phase looking for high-growth.
Marketing Eye listens to what clients want and quite often adapts what we offer accordingly.
It’s not what your marketing company really wants to hear, but hey, it’s the reality.
The Elephant in the Agency Room

As entrepreneurs, so often we don’t let go - of anything. We control the finances, products, services, sales and marketing. I am sure if there was some research available, it would say that most entrepreneurs of small businesses are control freaks.
I LOVE my job! Why because I get to meet the most inspirational, passionate entrepreneurs in Australia, day-in, day-out, who all want to succeed.
Tuesday morning, isn’t exactly the fresh Monday start I was looking for, but nevertheless, it is the first day of the working week.
ist1_5394864-storm-in-a-teacup-with-pathThe path to business success is never easy but as our entrepreneurial skills improve, our experiences increase and our understanding of the different business dynamics that exist from one organisation to another, it certainly does get to a stage that when faced with an obstacle, we are able to handle it alot better.
I am starting a website with a great friend of mine :  www.womenswealthcreator.com
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.