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Today, we live in the age of the internet that is highly competitive. Your website has become one of the most important tools for promoting your business. Whether it is a small business or a big corporate site, having a well-designed (remaining both modern and functional) website has become imperative to stay competitive. Even though a website redesign takes significant resources in time and money, it can be a game-changer for your business to keep up modern-day standards and protocols in mid.

Building your brand is an instrumental part of developing your business. Without this foundation, your organization will lack the voice, value, and customer awareness that will set you apart from your competition. While it might seem that branding efforts are an expensive venture, it doesn’t have to be! You don’t have to spend a ridiculous amount of money to build a memorable, recognizable brand. Below, we discuss some budget-friendly ways that your business can develop a better brand identity.

What is the user experience on your website like? Today’s users are looking for a website that is informative, modern looking, intuitive, and easy to use. If your website doesn’t perform the way it should, it will negatively affect your brand awareness and engagement. Below, we have four tips to make your website more user-friendly for your audience.

With the continued rise of the digital business space, the importance of a modern and comprehensive website is more important than ever. Operating without a website that can tell the story of your business and your products will only hurt your efforts to generate revenue and brand awareness. These days, a website is so much more than a digital storefront. In order to refresh your website, you need a partner to come alongside your brand to help you navigate this process. Marketing Eye has the expertise and the tools to not only optimize your website for overall performance, but we can also completely redefine your brand and use your website as a completely new and fresh way to tell your story. Here’s how Marketing Eye can help you:

A brand identity crisis is a very real thing, and too many businesses suffer from it. Without a modern and fresh brand design, it can be really difficult to draw in customers and have your competition take you seriously. First impressions can make or break your company, so it’s important that your brand is relevant and fresh to attract new leads and modernize your approach. The trick is actually making that happen. Most companies don’t have the time or bandwidth to conduct a complete branding overhaul, which leaves them stuck with an outdated look and feel. Marketing Eye is the perfect partner to come alongside and help companies breathe fresh life into their brands and capture better leads.

Email marketing is a really effective way of keeping your audience informed on your product and it provides them with a line of communication straight to you. But consider how many emails you get on a day-to-day basis. What do these look like? How many do you actually read? To get better subscribers and more loyal readers, it’s important to have a strong email design. Below, we have six basic email design elements that will make your emails easier to read and look better.

A good website is much more than a digital storefront. While brick-and-mortar storefronts have slowly been phasing out, a customized website shouldn’t merely replace your physical location. A comprehensive, customized website should tell the story of your product, your brand, and your company in a way that draws in your audience and sells them on the experience you provide. Every company has a story that deserves to be told, and a company website is one of the greatest storytelling opportunities that a company has. Marketing Eye has successfully designed, developed, and managed over 300 websites and counting.

Plenty of companies go through brand transformations every year, but what exactly does that look like? More often than not, brands fall back on changing or updating the logo with a new color scheme. This is a great step forward by any metric, but it should never stop with a newish logo. A rebrand should be treated as a complete company brand overhaul, a revolution of your company’s messaging and branding. Your logo design will play a part in this, but it’s only a piece of the greater objective. Any brand changes should be seen as an exciting and new opportunity for your company and your employees to improve the overall customer experience. It’s not products that are selling these days; it’s the experience a company provides. In this blog, we’ve got a few ideas to ensure a successful brand relaunch.

Webinars may seem like a forgotten form of marketing, but the truth is that webinars aren’t the easiest thing to pull off. It requires months of planning, writing, re-writing, designing, and promotion to finally get to the webinar, but it doesn’t always pay off the way we want it to. There’s a huge difference between good webinars and bad webinars, and it usually boils down to how much work was done in the planning and writing stages. Below, we have some considerations for making sure that your next webinar is great.

Planning a wedding is very stressful. Everyone you know has an opinion, anyone you talk to will give you advice, and your family, well… you know them, they fall into a category all on their own. There are so many things you need to get together, a venue, dress, photographer, food, cake, DJ or band, etc. Then you have to consider the wedding invitations. In putting together mine I approached it in a similar way I would approach an email campaign.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.